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Did that to..Wish they had a siren signal to warn users they are doing that.:ohmy::LOL:

Taxy and Munky...YES, it's pretty startling when you accidently push that button on the cell phone and there you are staring back at yourself. I think my new phone must be broken because I cannot POSSIBLY look like that. :ohmy::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


A little after 8PM here now....kitchen is cleaned, clean laundry (that was on the couch) is folded and put away, kitty is fed....fixin' to grab a bowl of mango sorbet and head to the recliner to find a movie to fall asleep by. Goodnight, all!
I scare myself every time I look in the mirror, more so on my phone.

Helped DH pick out his Friday outfit. His work environment is celebrating the Cubs who will win the superbowl, or whatever they plan to win. Not a big sportsperson here. He already had a dark blue shirt, and asked me if I had something red. Aha! I have a little red sweatshirt vest! Perfect! DH was quite pleased.
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Exhausted, tired and dead on my feet. Between Dr's appointments, Rehab and work, I have no ends to my days...
Relax, PF. You don't want to repeat the last month's events, right? I'm relaxing, so join me.

We voted today, picked up Himself's meds, filled the gas tank, and picked up road food. Also washed most of the dirty clothes to make sure we have good pickin's to pack. We leave next week for Florida! One week on the beach, meeting up with Tinlizzie again like I did a couple times already, and then making connections with Got Garlic and her DH on our return trip. Can't wait!

...Thought Sophie would cry when I told her no more taco Tuesday's..:LOL:...
Glad to hear that Sophie is on the road to recovery. I looked up some good treats for her. Maybe you could make her's "Pup-quitos Tuesday". :LOL:
Take Me To Taco Town: Recipes For A Dog-Friendly Cinco De Mayo

...Helped DH pick out his Friday outfit. His work environment is celebrating the Cubs who will win the superbowl, or whatever they plan to win...
Celebrating a little early, aren't they? Only two games have been played out of a potential seven. Gotta play AT LEAST three more. Won't your DH be sad whenif the Indians beat them. Just ask him if he would be willing to have his team go into the World Series with only one pitcher left from the rotation. I don't know who will win, but it's gonna be someone (and I hope it's the Indians - you can tell him I said so).
Today, I finally got around to driving to Staples and laminating some recipe index cards. I hand copied about 10 recipes onto new index cards, then had them laminated at Staples. That should be the end of greasy, smeared recipe index cards, I would think. It only cost $4.00 to have them laminated.

Also, I returned two shower radios to BBB. Not happy with them, they're almost toys.
I won an auction on Ebay just now for a vintage Sony Tap Tunes shower radio. It's an 80's am/fm shower radio, it's bigger, but has an AM antenna screw at the back to attach a wire to for better AM reception! . $16.50 + $ 8 shipping. I'll give it a try. The seller offers a 2 week return policy.
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I'm packing and getting ready to leave my home for a weekend away.
If you wonder why I havent been doing the menu threads lately its because dinners has been easy and basic and bit boring because I am so exhausted due to so many medical test.

There is really nothing more wrong with me then normal, it just that I have three doctors arguing over that to do with me and I honestly dont think the high level one is right because he doesnt know my medical history at all.

Anyway one weekend of rest, good food and cat cuddles and I be back up to normal.
Well it rained so we couldn't combine beans. I started the day wanting to get the rear end back in my 82 chevy. The other one shelled out. Got a different one. Gears are rough but its all I could find. Got it under there and jacked up. The U bolts are too long. Ran out of threads. Napa has to order shorter ones.

So on to the service truck. we just bought a truck from the power company to use as a service truck on the farm. It has a big screw air compressor run off pto. They said it quit working and they were tired of fixing it. Push the reset button and it fires up. That took a whole 5 minutes.
The Peterbuilt I got a few months ago don't have air horns on it. The guy that had it before took them off to make room for more cab lights. He put train horns on it. He took the train horns off when he traded it. So I went and got some and when I crawled under it to install them. I found broken flex pipe on the exhaust. Ended up replacing everything from the turbo to the T. Had to drive 90 mile round trip to get the elbow but whatever. Didn't have anything else to do.
By the time we got that all done the beans tried out enough to combine for a couple hours before it got dark and the dew came out.
Exhausted, tired and dead on my feet. Between Dr's appointments, Rehab and work, I have no ends to my days...

I feel for you PF. Last week, I had 3 appointments in a row. At the end of the third one, I was so exhausted. They wanted to draw about five vials of blood. No thanks, I will come back next week. I simply didn't have it in me to even roll up my sleeve. So I kept my word and went yesterday. Time to go back home. The driver and I got our messages mixed up. He thought I was another patient So he took me on a lovely 20 minute ride. To an address that I didn't even know. So he notified his dispatcher and then took me home. Now I am done for the next six months. Unless I get sick or something happens.

One of those appointments was with my rheumatologist. She injected three fingers with cortisone. Today I want to go back to her and give her the biggest hug!!! No more pain. And my typing speed is back up to where it has been for years.
:LOL::LOL: Well, I don't know much about combines but I was having a hard time visualizing using a combine for green or yellow beans, or pole beans... LOL
Yes soy beans.In the picture the combine is set up for corn we just change the head. The attachment on the front. And this is what I plant rye with.


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Neat! Thank you Jon! The field behind me was planted with soy this year, probably next year will be corn. I can never remember the formula for plant rotation. Sometimes he does it two years in a row. The field across the road is always planted with corn??? It's been 10 years I've been here and he never changes. Doesn't make sense to me but I do know he adds a lot of stink in the spring. So he's the farmer, not me!
Right now I'm trying to find the recipe on my tablet I used last night to make a Leek and Mushroom Quiche. Arghhh, I know I didn't stick to the recipe but I would at least like to peruse it again to see the changes I made for quantities.

Also thinking what I need to do before Son 'n etal arrive to carve pumpkins, bake gingerbread skeletons (in my toaster oven, still no big oven), make a list of a few chores he can help with from lugging salt bags to the water softner to getting this ruddy laptop to stop grinding the fan!

But I guess I should go and let the geese out and get dressed... probably in that order... go slow thru the rain and consider that my morning shower...

Fun day with the rain keeping everyone in... hooray hooray!
Heading out later today to go to a condo meeting with my sister. She has bought a new condo (under construction) for herself and there's a get together this afternoon for new residents.
I have been fighting with my Mom's sewing machine for over 2 hours. Sewing machine 2 CWS -5. Now I know why my Mom always had a bottle of wine handy when sewing upholstery projects. Is it too early for wine????
I have been fighting with my Mom's sewing machine for over 2 hours. Sewing machine 2 CWS -5. Now I know why my Mom always had a bottle of wine handy when sewing upholstery projects. Is it too early for wine????

I am positive it is wine time somewhere in the world. Go for it!

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