What have you had for breakfast lately?

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Rice cakes with creamy peanut putter warmed in the micro. PB melts right down into the rice cake. And the PB tastes like roasted peanuts. Also a couple cups of coffee. :yum:
I made a mushroom-smoked gouda-green onion-smoked ham omelette with 4 FRESH EGGS.


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That's a good-looking omelette. :idea:! Usually have a bowl of Kashi and milk, but since I had some of the famous DC Mushrooms Gratin (white buttons, garlic & Swiss) left over from last night, I put the 'shrooms on rye bread and toasted it. Garlic for breakfast, mmmm.
The last two mornings I have had the luxury of fresh squeezed orange juice using my trusty Sunkist milk glass juicer. Now I am ready for a fresh bag of bargain citrus from the no frills store and back to eating one a day. Citrus is the best thing about winter!
Mixed fruit salad with creme fraishe, salami, pepperoni, mushroom, pepperoncini and 5 cheese fritatta with grandma's sauce, sourdough garlic bread, coffee and mimosas with Cook's California champagne and fresh squeezed navel orange juice
Wow, I was kidding, but it must be nice to get eggs that fresh! Living in an apartment, I guess you tend to forget that other people have such luxuries.
But you don't have to shovel snow...there are definitely trade offs. I plan on finishing my life either as an apartment dweller or in assisted living...shoveling snow gets old very fast.
But you don't have to shovel snow...there are definitely trade offs. I plan on finishing my life either as an apartment dweller or in assisted living...shoveling snow gets old very fast.
Ohhhh.. I know what it is to shovel. I have only lived here a little over 6 years. Mom said they got over a foot of snow last weekend in NY state.
Chive and (Land O Lakes) American cheese omelet (a little browner than I like) with sliced tomato on the side.

Breakfast has been a problem for me for years. I'm an early riser for the most part, and know I should eat. Obviously, since I'm on the site, I love to eat. But, although I am a morning person, I'm not a breakfast person. I used to eat ramen noodles, but am not that crazy for them any more (nutrition none, empty calories). I know this sounds weird, but I've been trying to have a container of Activia or some fruit ... but when I do that, I find myself hungry for the rest of the morning. How can food make you MORE hungry?

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