What is your weather like right now?

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It was supposedly 95° today, but it stayed comfortable enough that I didn't need to turn on the a/c like I did the last 3 days. The sun is down far enough now that it will only get cooler. I'm really glad I got the box fans.
Miserable humidity until about 4 PM, with a little breeze picking up about 6 PM. Come July - August I can expect my eye glasses to fog up when I emerge from my air conditioned bedroom. Looking forward to September, the end of mold, mildew, and bug season and the pleasant cooling breezes of autumn.
Rainstorm this morning, sunny this afternoon and then clouding up. Nice and cool outside, if it rains, I'm going for a walk.
Only (!) 93° today, but no breeze so a/c is on. Yesterday was 95°, but with a little breeze all day, I didn't have to turn the a/c on at all.
It was real overcast late morning today. It started raining about noon & has been off & on all day since in SE S.D.
Cool and sunny, windy earlier. It's raining now, yay! 59°. We really need rain.
Whoa. The sky just opened up and poured for a few minutes. It's now 66° here along the river, and the sun just came out.
It is hot! 92° and a bit of a very warm breeze here along the river. Feels like a blast furnace!
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It is later in the day and the temp is going down. It was 75ºF. earlier and now 71ºF. I have had the AC on low. :)
Woke up this morning & it was a suprisingly warm 87F & muggy. It's since became overcast & cooled down to 70F with a slightly cool breeze. There have been off/on again light rain most of the afternoon in SE S.D.
South of St Louis is 82* with a nice breeze and fluffy clouds just sitting still in a clear blue sky. Some of the clouds look like there's potential for a shower but not likely to storm. There must not be any wind up high because the clouds aren't moving.
It was miserable yesterday, even the pool was too warm! Today the humidity is much lower, and it's a sunny, tolerable 83° here along the river.
Right now it is 95ºF. and climing. We are expected to set a new record. No way am I going outside. I went outside at six this morning to give Son #2 something, and it was hot then. No breeze, the air was thick. :cool:
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