What is your weather like right now?

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I'm so happy about the rain, and then I see on tv that the Waldo Canyon burn scar is flooding and causing mud slides. Mixed feelings now, but we so need the rain at my house.
High here of 100F today in SE S.D. It just started to rain lightly, sure hope it amounts to something.
Heck of a windstorm last night, kept me awake and I had to clear broken branches from the yard today. Not huge ones, but enough to know the wind meant business. :ohmy: Nice out now at 9PM, thank goodness, 90 deg. and calm. :)
Forecast is 33C today--with 100% humidity--possible shower around 2:00 p.m. I am NOT going to be enjoying the day--have corn, beans, peppers, chard, kale, broc., bok choy, and zucchini to harvest. It will be a miserably hot day in the garden.
It's been in the 90s lately, but I found that I only have to run my a/c for about 15 minutes every few hours. My electric bill has been down for the last couple of months.
It's finally cool enough to bake cookies. I made chocolate chip. I hope you are able to do the same soon.
I plan to get up very early and play in the kitchen, a cake and then muffins and if time allows cookies too.. How did you cookies turn out?
No showers materialized yesterday. It is around 30C (~86F) with about 43% humidity. Tomorrow's forecast is 34C (~93), don't know what the humidex is supposed to be, but I imagine high since rain (yea!!!) is forecast for Sunday and temperature to be around 27C (~80F) and Monday back to about 28C (~82). We have surpassed our normal 13 days of 30 or warmer. I think we've had about 18 days or more. I know we are not out of our level 2 drought. The only positive thing about the drought is that our nights have not remained hot and sticky--this because we have not been having the thunderstorms that are part of having high temps and high humidity. We have had several nights were the temps have dipped to the high teens (low 60s).

According to the record keepers, this summer is the same as the summer of 1936 in our area. Dustbowl years...
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90 degrees here today and sunny. I think there is a chance for rain this afternoon.

And...the cookies were great Kadesma. They are gone now, but enjoyed. Yesterday was hot so I made mini pies...no big hot oven needed. ;)
A sunny 98° here along the river. Spent a couple hours in the pool with a friend, sans rugrats!
It just started raining after teasing for a few hot days.

Must keep an eye on our new friend Ernesto heading for the Gulf.
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