What is your weather like right now?

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No snow and it only went down to 34F last night.......but that's the forecast for tomorrow's high. It's 37F right now with cloudy skies.
We got about 6 inches of snow so far here along the river. Thermometer says 28°F, and it's still snowing lightly.
It's 32F snowing here in southeastern Michigan, too. Isn't it pretty? Good thing I don't have to go anywhere today.


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:ohmy: OMGosh, that's gorgeous, GG!!

Beautiful day here today. 65F and sunny, bright blue sky. Supposed to get up to the low 70's.
It's been snowing all day. Here's the accumulation. We're planning to leave for home tomorrow, so hopefully the roads will be plowed between now and then.

And Stryder isn't too thrilled about getting wet paws :LOL: ?


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It's been raining pretty much all day here along the river. Beagle was not pleased. No long walk today.
15°F, we got about 2 inches of snow. A young man with a shovel showed up about 2 minutes before I was going to go out and shovel the snow. I paid him the $5 and asked him to come around the next time it snowed. If he shows up the next time, we will negotiate a higher price for deeper snow.
15°F, we got about 2 inches of snow. A young man with a shovel showed up about 2 minutes before I was going to go out and shovel the snow. I paid him the $5 and asked him to come around the next time it snowed. If he shows up the next time, we will negotiate a higher price for deeper snow.

Sounds like you have some very nice neighbors. Just how deep does the snow get there in the winter? I hope it isn't anything like we had here last winter. The snow didn't finish melting at the snow farm until the end of June.

It is in the mid fifties and partly cloudy here. Unseasonably warm for us. :angel:
Chilly here in my area of SoCal. 48F now at 10:20, supposed to have a high of 52 today and a low of 25 tonight. Brrrr. Pretty day though, sunny and clear. The golden leaves on the trees look so pretty against the bright blue sky.
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We're past the golden leaves on trees stage. :( Now the bare tree skeletons each form their own architecture. :) It's funny how you can identify kinds of trees just by looking at the bark and branch formations. The snow on the pines looks lickable. It's 21 F with high up to 27 today. The snow isn't melting today.
Brrrr, Whiska!! How much snow do you have up there in the North?

I talked to Baby Bro last night, he lives up nort in the Twin Cities where Whiska is. He said they got very little snow.

Our almost 10 inches of snow disappeared with the rain and mild temps yesterday, but now we're down to a refreshing 38°F here along the river.
I talked to Baby Bro last night, he lives up nort in the Twin Cities where Whiska is. He said they got very little snow.

Our almost 10 inches of snow disappeared with the rain and mild temps yesterday, but now we're down to a refreshing 38°F here along the river.

:ohmy::ohmy: Holy moly....
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