What is your weather like right now?

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We are in a blizzard. I got the cattle and chickens fed. received_10102847126637673.jpg
Currently -7°C (19°F) and feels like -17°C (1°F). We may or may not be getting a bunch of freezing rain. Looks like there are a couple a guys arguing about it at the WeatherNetwork or at Environment Canada. I checked out the weather and saw this. Then I clicked for more info and it said that the warning had been cancelled. Then it was gone. Then I got email about the warning and it was back.

We have made sure that all our chargeable devices are fully charged, in case a power outage.


  • Screenshot-2018-1-22 Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec 7 Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Network.jpg
    Screenshot-2018-1-22 Dollard-des-Ormeaux, Quebec 7 Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Network.jpg
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We're humid and right around the freezing mark right now. However, temperatures should be rising during the night...and then the rains move in. We could get close to two inches of rain by the time it's come and gone - and that should be by mid-afternoon on Tuesday. If it weren't raining, I could enjoy the predicted high of the upper 50s. Once the rain leaves, it's back into the freezer for a couple of days. This winter has been a real meteorological roller coaster. :wacko:
When I drove home yesterday morning, my backyard was still a big, white field of snow. By the afternoon, it was back to being sort of greenish brown (dormant grass).

All of that snow turned into fog last night so thick that the only way I could navigate down the mountain was to look for the reflectors on the mailboxes on either side of the street to see if I was still on the road. I may have put a tire or two on a few front lawns, though.
As of now we are still snowed in. Got power back. Depending on how bad it is the maintainer will usually show up around noon. I have to move enough around the place to get to my brothers 1/4 mile away so he can help get cattle fed. He went in the ditch on the way home yesterday and I just left the pickup there. He almost made it. Worst thing is the snow is heavy and wet and there is ice under the snow.

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I am pleased the tsunami didn't happen. Read about it before I went to bed.

We're having light freezing rain. It's been freezing rain since yesterday. Lots of school closures. Apparently the roads are treacherous.
Ok, maybe not quite this bad. But they did tell the county snowplow drivers to go home until conditions improve on the roads.


Oh we got about a foot. My arm is bad, I can’t shovel. My snow plow guy came at 4:30. We couldn’t even open garage door before that.
The snow melted and we are now on flood warning again.. well we are in a flood, we have helicopters are flying over and checking roads, bridges and train tracks.

I will see if I can get pictures of the river.
We are in a blizzard. I got the cattle and chickens fed. View attachment 28956

I know the chicks are inside, but are the cattle still out on the range? I once saw a picture in a NatGeo magazine eons ago of cattle out on the Texas range. The nose and mouths were frozen over with ice and they died because they couldn't breath. An image that will never leave me.
:LOL: I'm going to have to send my daughters that weather app. :LOL:

Been T-shirt weather here lately. Low 70's today and climbing up to the mid to high 70's over this next week. It's been nice, but it would also be nice to have some winter for a while. :neutral:
It only got up to 53F today. But, it was sunny and not much wind, so I was comfortable. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60s, with 70s by Wednesday. But, Wednesday is also supposed to be dry and windy -- all the ingredients for a red-flag fire warning day.

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