What is your weather like right now?

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Anyone want some leaves to play in? I have plenty to share!;):wacko:
Yeah, me too, and I don't even have a tree, just high winds.
Well, that's certainly a drag. No tree, but you still have to clean up leaves? Bummer!

To an extent, the leaves are pretty when they first start falling. Then, when they cover all the grass and start piling up, they become nothing but more work.

I do love to burn them. The smell they give off is pleasent to me.
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NW Arkansas, 5:00 a.m. - 57 F., 94% humidity, variable wind, overcast from thunderstorms, heavy rain at times.

Large thunderstorms in the area that will last for most of the day. Rainfall may reach 1" (2.54 cm). Expected high of 68 F.
NW Arkansas, 6:30 a.m. - 40 F., 89% humidity, cloudy with WNW wind at 15 kts.

Today will be partly cloudy, windy (20-30 mph), and high of 54 F.
It's low 70s and partly cloudy. The thunderstorms that were to have filled the morning have passed to the South instead. The humidity almost makes me want to turn on the a/c. It's still shorts and short sleeve shirts weather.
After fixing the laundry room water line leak and having the air conditioner off for about 3 weeks, this beautiful cool weather has resulted in a lowering of my electric bill by $215 on this bill.

I"m loveing that! :):):):wacko:

62.4F right now at 8:36am. Wind, 8 mph from the ENE.

Absolutely beautiful outside!
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It's a blustery, overcast, cold (to me) day. 54° now with a high of only 58° with North winds blowing 20 mph. Definitely sweats weather.
36°, windy, and yucky. Guess I'll have to break out the winter coat pretty soon.
NW Arkansas, 7:15 a.m.: 51 F., 41% humidity, clear skies, SW wind at 15 kts.

Today; sunny, high of 64 F. Beautiful autumn day!
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