What is your weather like right now?

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Our foggy 50's yesterday turned into 16° F this morning. Then the wind picked up.

Stay safe, friends.
It is 60 degrees here right now. DH had the door and windows open to air out the house but had to shut them when we got a downpour. Now it's just sprinkling. We are to have icy conditions over the weekend, they say.

My husband bought a thermometer that he keeps on his end table that shows the inside and outside temps. There is a picture of a lady on it and when it gets warm outside she takes off her clothes and goes down to a bikini. As it gets colder she put on the clothes. When it's in between like it is now, she is just showing her bare belly. He told me that he didn't know it did that when he bought it.

Where did he get it? I need to get one for Shrek!!! LOL!!!
You can get indoor/outdoor thermometers at Target and Radio Shack. Probably lots of other places too. But if you need one specifically with the stripper I can't help with that. ;)

Yes, it would have to be one with the stripper...'cuz really I can tell if it's hot of cold inside and out.
there is a heavy storm approaching from the north sea. At the coast line there is a risk of a storm tide, well, actually several storm tides 'cause the storm shall last till tomorrow.
From here it's about 160km/100mi to the sea, but it will be still strong.
Hope we won't loose our roof like we did last time in 2007...

Sounds like our Nor'easters when they come ashore. :angel:
Where did he get it? I need to get one for Shrek!!! LOL!!!

He got it on a clearance rack at Kohls. I found it online but it says it's not available. Hopefully you can do a more thorough search and find it somewhere.

La Crosse Technology WS-9760U-IT Wireless Weather With Advanced Icon - Reviews & Prices @ Yahoo! Shopping

PF, I found one! This picture shows how she bundles up for cold weather!! Order it!!! LOL He will love it.

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Cool thermometer! lol
We've got a nice little dusting right now. It's cold, but no wind. Nice day.
Not pretty.

Opened the blinds this morning at 7 to see everything coated in ice. The wind is blowing and we have a combination or rain and sleet, mostly sleet. Now, nearly 4 hours later, absolutely everything is covered solidly in ice. The road is one big sheet of ice and it's still coming down. Supposed to do this for today and tomorrow, ramping up as the hours pass. Seems eerily similar to January 2009.:(

We called our trip to Atlanta off. Good decision. Traveling would be risky, especially in some of the areas we were to travel. Plus, we need to be here because if we lose power there is every possibility the water pipes might freeze. Definitely do not want that. At least by being home we can run the gas logs to keep the house warmish and prevent any frozen pipes.

We're all set and I have a pile of knitting and crocheting I can do to stay occupied. Not that I ever need anything to stay busy. I always have something to do.

My game plan is set for dinner meals in the event we lose power. Gonna depend on the crock-pot early on, then utilize the gas cooktop after that, if necessary. Got my fingers crossed that everything stays on. Still, this region is a little goofy. The electricity can go off because of a big rain storm. Ah, life in the country.
Mid-40's and gloomy. No matter the weather I HAVE to run a couple errands. Then we'll snug in to our chairs tonight to watch TV or read. Tomorrow is college football starting at noon and going until (fingers crossed) Ohio State beats Michigan State in the 8 o'clock game. Go Bucks!
It's worked all day to get up to 4 degrees. The outdoor temp is starting to take its toll in my drafty old house. Time to put on my wool sox I guess.

I would Like to go to the store. I don't Need to do so. I'm staying inside.

I have a series of movies lined up to watch this evening.
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