What is your weather like right now?

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Forty degrees right now. But tomorrow? Brrrrr! Temps will be dropping, flood warnings and windy. And I have an appointment tomorrow early morning right in the flood area. I usually make a coffee run when I am there. But not tomorrow. This place is less than a half block from the ocean. I am not looking forward to any of this at all. I hate cold weather!!!
It is 16:30 hrs and the temp has dropped to 4 f (-16c). Now I've always said it was only starting to get "cold" when it got to 0 f. and then really getting chilly at -10 f.

But I just went out to close up the geese with no gloves... and brrrr I feel chilled right thru. Didn't take the poor dog for a walk today either. Although earlier it was quite a bit warmer, that wind was tossing the trees around.

Hate to admit my bones feel that cold, even thru all the fat I've packed around them! :ermm: Gads, my mother would have called me 'wimpy' being only 72! Arghh, I am NOT acting old Mom! I think it is the pneumonia still lurking around in the background! :wacko:
First real cold of the season here in Greater Montreal too. -17°C (1°F) and feels like -28°C (-18°F). The DJ on the station I usually listen to mentioned the feels like and said, "If you are going outside, bring your scarf and mitts along for the ride. You'll thank me." :LOL:
The ponds and lakes are freezing over! Yay!
I can't wait until we can get out on skates and shoot a puck around. It's been such a long time since I've skated on a pond.

Last year at this time we were fishing those same ponds in t-shirts, and playing hockey in the garage at night (no street lights).

This is how you can tell if your son remembered to wear his cup:
Bucky, I'm laughing already and I haven't even watched your video yet! LOL

Taxy - you're right, I completely forgot the "feel like" factor.
Yup, it's -2f right now but because of the humidity it feels like -20f.

Too funny, I opened the door for my dog to run out - and she backed up like I was herding her towards the bathtub! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Well, it's 23:26 hrs now - she has the most amazing bladder control I've ever seen - if it is still this cold in the morning - she'll wait till about noon before she goes out to pee!! Wish I could do that!
:ohmy: Child Abuse, bt! Bet he won't forget next time. ;)


We're experiencing a balmy 14 degrees, with winds coasting away around 11, gusting close to 40. Gusting a lot, too. It's "balmy" because we have the thermostat set to 68 and we still have power, not because I'M "balmy". :-p This lady isn't poking her nose outside until it gets closer to 50...which will be in three days. :wacko:
We're experiencing a balmy 14 degrees, with winds coasting away around 11, gusting close to 40. Gusting a lot, too. It's "balmy" because we have the thermostat set to 68 and we still have power, not because I'M "balmy". :-p This lady isn't poking her nose outside until it gets closer to 50...which will be in three days. :wacko:

Jeez, no fair that it's as cold here as it is there! Brrr! Oh well - if I can get through tomorrow, we're looking at 62F Saturday and 74 on Sunday! :woot2: With rain, of course, but you can't have everything :whistling:
Huh. Oddly, the temperature is rising. We have 15° F here along the river, and it's almost midnight. We started out this morning at 5°.

Could be worse, I could be in northern ND. Right now my little home town is at -37° F.
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Wow, Dawg. -37 is insanely cold. You don't need to trim nose hair at that temp. It breaks off!

It was 12 F when I left my mountain for work tonight. probably 20 F or so here in NYC. Still, I'd rather this than 90+ anyday.

:ohmy: Child Abuse, bt! Bet he won't forget next time. ;)

Aw, c'mon. Maybe the third shot was a bit, but The Great Santini it wasn't. :angel:
Heh. BT, when I lived in the land of the ice and snow, we had no nose hair! It DID break off!

PF, you'll need to dig out your bikini!
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When we lived in Minn. my brother would just step outside to "set" his hair (ducktail) for the day, he wouldn't use 'Vitalis'!

But I doubt he would have done that had we been in the in the Dakotas - he might have been bald!

Com'on Farmer Jon - show us a pic with your hat off! :ROFLMAO:
It is -12F. The forecast for tomorrow is -60F with wind gusts. I know about windchill, but when did weather in MN include wind gust forecasts? I am sure that Eastern Ontario is never this cold. My little dog steps outside, pees on the spot and his back legs are off the ground. That is about 15 seconds outside. Even my Dad's Std. Poodle puppy is taking no more than 30 seconds to do her business and only goes about 5 ft from the door. They say the weather will warm up by the weekend -7F. I feel like an immobilized Polar Bear by the time I get my layers on, my scarf wrapped around my face, my hat and face mask on--I can barely waddle out with the dog and still see. My Dad and I flip a coin to determine which of us will walk down the driveway to get the paper in the morning. BTW, Whiska, we've been calling the weather a bit brisk in Northern MN. Tomorrow we will probably call it frigid when the wind gusts are blowing. And, it is Sun Dog Season in N. Minnesota. A season I never knew existed. Remind me again why I am wintering in N. MN and not in TX or Eastern Ontario?
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I totally understand, CWS. I put on the heavy coat, the boots, the gloves, put the hood up, try to walk Beagle. Nope nope nope. She pees 8 feet out the door, and immediately wants back in.
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I totally understand, CWS. I put on the heavy coat, the boots, the gloves, put the hood up, try to walk Beagle. Nope nope nope. She pees 8 feet out the door, and immediately wants back in.
The house is at 75F. I wear a short-sleeved T-shirt in the house, but to go outside, I add a cashmere turtleneck, topped with one of my Dale wool sweaters, trade my leggings for long underwear, jeans, wind pants, add mohair socks to whatever socks I have on, pack boots, chopper mitts, Columbia jacket with the down liner with all head/face gear already mentioned, and that is just to walk down the driveway to the mailbox. No frigging way am I going snow shoeing or x-c skiing anytime soon.

Couldn't resist getting Dad a pair of wind pants for Christmas. He complains that even with his hunting pants and long underwear on, the wind chills him to the bone. Everyone should have wind pants in this part of the world. I tossed mine in the car when we went to Grand Forks "just in case." Fashion goes out the window in this part of the world at this time of the year.

I really would like to get him one of those Milwaukee jackets that have the heater elements in them.
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Yeah. We all look like some sort of Nordic demon creature around here. Unless you recognize the color of your neighbor's coat, the only way you can tell who you are talking to is the color of their eyes or the sound of their voice.
It is -12F. The forecast for tomorrow is -60F with wind gusts. I know about windchill, but when did weather in MN include wind gust forecasts? I am sure that Eastern Ontario is never this cold.

Hoping to make you feel better I checked the weather in Ottawa for you. This morning it is -13f ; mind you that is in the city, don't know what it would be like outside of town. ;)

I am a 10 min. walk from the Quebec/Ontario line, here it is -18f (feels like -35f) and yet it is only -9f in the town, 20 min. from me.

Hills and valley's, ain't life grand! CWS, I call this double weather, double socks, double pants, double sweaters, double mitts, double headgear and double whatever else you can get on and still be able to walk!

Well it is presently 4ºF. And our Boston firefighters are presently fighting a six alarm fire in Charlestown. (Think Battle of Bunker Hill) About two blocks from the Obelisk and museum.
Oh dear! They just showed a firefighter covered in icicles. The Captain is rotating them so they can get warm.

I guess it could be worse. We are supposed to be getting snow for tomorrow.
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