What is your weather like right now?

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We were supposed to have snow showers for the last three mornings. Reality check: it's been clear and sunny for all three days. Now we're supposed to have snow showers tomorrow. Oh, be still my beating heart.:rolleyes:

Anyway, I got up to my lot today and while the roads are OK, the lot itself is still completely covered in 3" of snow. Worse, I went to look at a trailer today and someone was going to tow it up to the lot on Friday. Well, they'll get there, but they may not be able to get the trailer on to the lot.

I've been looking for a trailer for 6 months and now I finally find one I can afford and I have the snow to deal with. Just why?
We had a wild night last night. I only live four lanes from the water front where all the oil takers and ships bringing in sand and salt for New England are docked.

First we lost all our electricity for more than an hour, and some dang ship decided it was safer to try to come into port instead of waiting out in the outer harbor for the wind to abate. The Captain kept blowing his horns letting other ships know where he was. We had the heat on full blast and the outside walls were freezing. I had three blankets covering me. And I was still freezing. So Pirate got out a couple of double sheets, folded them into a nice size, placed them on top of the blankets and that finally got me warm. The heating system here even though it is all gas, the fans that push the heat out are electric. I went down to check on my mail. Trees and limbs are all over the ground. The city workers were out there almost all day today cutting up the downed trees and branches.

That one hour of lost electricity was just long enough to make the apartments really cold. Pirate went to a couple of the other apartments to check on the tenants. One really elderly woman who lives alone, was freezing. Pirate put a large pan of water on her back burner and turned her oven on for her. Then when the juice came back on, he went back to check on her. I told him that if he couldn't get her warm, to bring her back to our apartment. At least it was a little warmer than her place.

One of tenants on the third floor is presently in the hospital dying. Her daughter has been at her side 24 hours, sleeping on a cot next to her mother.

The wind is still blowing up a storm every so often. The hallways are void of any heat. As much as I love living so close to the ocean, I can do without winter wind storms.
Got stock in snow banks 4 times last week. And we are getting more. And it’s darn cold. It was 1 degree in the morning. They promised high of 6. Not sure what it was. I’m still at work.
And where is that darn global warming they promised us? Minnesotans for global warming.
Well, at least I am.

Yes I do recycle. And drive car with low gas usage.
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More snow. It was supposed to rain and melt off.

Looks like at least a week without power. That won't be fun. Luckily we have a kerosene heater to keep us warm. And it helps that it us just at freezing, so not too bad

We didn't lose any big trees or limbs so far, but still moved the rigs into the pasture, hopefully away from danger.
Got stock in snow banks 4 times last week. And we are getting more. And it’s darn cold. It was 1 degree in the morning. They promised high of 6. Not sure what it was. I’m still at work.
And where is that darn global warming they promised us? Minnesotans for global warming.
Well, at least I am.

Yes I do recycle. And drive car with low gas usage.
Global warming is here - check the temperatures in Australia. It doesn't mean uniform warming around the world, but It leads to global climate change and that's what you're experiencing.

It's 51 degrees F here today. Typical winter weather in southeast Virginia. We may have some snow next week.
We've had clear, sunny days here for the last couple of days, but it gets cold as soon as the sun sets.

No, I didn't get my trailer. Everyone says they need 4WD to get into my lot and no one has it. I finally did get hold of someone who has a 4WD and was willing to move the trailer, but not until after I had to take a pass on it and the owner sold it to someone else.

These are pictures of my lot as of last Monday. The first pic is of the driveway and if you pull in and take a right, you'll see the second pic. With the sun we've been having, I expect the snow on the driveway to melt, but my lot doesn't see sun all winter (&**^ trees!). So I expect the snow there to last for another month or more.


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We have about 2" of snow this morning.. Unusual for March here.. Supposed to be -2 to -8 degrees Monday and Tuesday mornings..

I'm not whining... So many of you have so much more snow, etc..

A visit to family in Cali would be nice about now.. I sent a snow pic to Jeannie's daughter, suggesting she come visit..

Her reply was, "Nu Huh." :ROFLMAO:

We are warming up during the day which us nice. The sun is even out. It allows the kerosene heater to keep up. Hi 20's at night, so not too bad, but it gets a bit chilly.

Still saying another 4 to 5 days till power is fixed. I think it will be less, or maybe I'm hoping it will be.
68F here and sunny now at almost 4:30, mid to high 40's tonight. Kind of windy though. March winds doth blow. :)
Currently mild: -2°C (28°F) Just like the FaceBook meme that says winter is having a hissy fit - slams the door and leaves, then says, "And another thing".
When I looked outside late this morning, it looked like a pretty Christmas greeting card. Rather late for Christmas, though. The snow totaled somewhere between a foot and 14 inches. Now the driveway is down to zero inches, thanks to our wonderful neighbor across the street.

Upper 30s today for the high. Not looking forward to single digits for the overnight lows later this week...
It’s raining. Again! We’ve had a lot of precipitation this year, including the snow a couple of weeks ago. When it warms up, just a bit more, the desert’s gonna be beautiful! And my allergies are gonna go batsh*t crazy!
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