What is your weather like right now?

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It's nice and warm and sunny outside with only a little cloud cover. I think when I moved to England I brought Colorado's weather here. I heard it has rained a lot in Colorado lately so I guess that is where England's weather went.
It pouring down rain as I type. Forecast is High of 77 with heavy rain. I planned on spending the day inside texturing a wall in the kitchen anyway so let it rain let it rain. Plus I won't have to water the garden or flowers.
IT'S HOT!!! 98 and the heat index is 101.
And just in time for my family reunion, this weekend, it's going to be in the triple digits!! ARGH!!!
Sunday it was 104, today only 93 and heading up for the weekend...Finally I can spend time outside without a sweater:ROFLMAO:
Weird weather for us the past couple of days. Violent thunderstorms, hail, high winds, heavy rain...but hey at least it's warm, around 80 today but suppose to get around 90 in the coming days, and humid. Love 80, can't stand 90 and humid. But I'm not complaining because it's better than another six months of winter!:LOL:
70-72° F, sunny with occasional clouds. We're lucky it doesn't rain because It ALWAYS rain in Belgium...:)
It's warmish out, perhaps around 28+, but it's been very gray and rainy all day. Just went to take the trash out and I spyed some slugs hopping a ride on the garbage can. They might be enjoying the wetness, but I'd rather have sun :)
I'll trade you, Jessica!
We're currently dealing with 98 degrees f.

Sure thing Jkath, just let me know were you`d like to meet up and exchange weather (I might need a U-Haul to deliver all this rain if it keeps up at this rate) :D
We finally got a good rain last night, and more this morning. The ground was so dry it sucked it up like a sponge.
It's a million dollar rain for our farmers, as the corn is tassling and starting to make ears now.
The sun's out now. It's 85 degrees with 95% humidity. Thank heaven for air conditioning.
AriesGirl71 said:
It is 82 degrees out and sooo muggy.. I swear u could cut the air with a knife. It is awful!!! I hate it.. where is my 70 degree weather!!????LOL

I'll trade you:ROFLMAO:
It's 104 today and no breeze. The air is just still!!!
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