What's on the table Mabel? Wednesday Sept 19

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I am starting this very early here (12:09 am) but I am up thanks to my migraine remedy (a Coke Zero and some chocolate - supposed migraine triggers but they worked!). The side-effect is I am still wide awake! :ermm:

We are going to DH's parent's house for lunch before DH goes to work and I go to my doctor's appointment. It is our main meal of the day because DH takes sandwiches to eat in the bus and they always have their main meal at lunch as well.

FIL is making his very famous potato pancakes and I am taking a broccoli salad. my MIL is baking a ham. Sounds like a good meal to me!

What is everyone else having?
Dinner for Wednesday Sept 19

On the 9th, I can't remember. . ..

I feel like, like we've gone back. . . .BACK TO THE FUTURE!

It's okay, Marty, um I mean Tatt!

I have had a 11 day migraine marathon, a ton of caffeine I am not used to to get rid of the headache and it is way past my bed-time ;)

Hopefully some nice mod/admin will come along and make it read the 19th!

It's okay, Marty, um I mean Tatt!

I have had a 11 day migraine marathon, a ton of caffeine I am not used to to get rid of the headache and it is way past my bed-time ;)

Hopefully some nice mod/admin will come along and make it read the 19th!


Lordy, my friend, that is NO BUENO!

Forget whats on the table, what's in your glass?? Does a nice adult beverage take the edge off at all? I went through a spell about 13 years ago with migraines, just crippling! Never had one since(knock on wood).

My "Breakfast" was the dinner posed in the 18ths thread, but I didn't get around to eating until after midnight. . .schedule is SO out of whack. . .

Dinner tonight, will be the same as that posted, but I have Dana bringing a nice crusty Baguette on her way tonight. A dinner like this should be better today, after everything has married.
I thought we had gone back in time too :LOL:

Hope you are feeling better soon LP you poor thing (big hug)

Tonight we had beef schnitzel and salad :)
I'm not sure yet. I may go to a Deaf dinner at a local church. If not, there's wings and rice left from last night.
I'd best get down to the freezer and find something. I'm tempted to do a chicken with all the trimmings.

Andy, take care of that shoulder and I'll be thinking of you.
Glad you are feeling better, LP.
We are going to a local joint on the river for catfish with our couples' golf group. There will be plenty of leftovers for tacos in a couple of days.
Rotisserie chicken
Pear (Carpaccio) salad - thinly sliced pears, arugula, baby spinach, walnuts, gouda or parmesan cheese - drizzled w/ balsamic & served on chilled plates.
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Take care

The kitchen is closed. Shoulder surgery tomorrow so SO is treating me to a fried chicken dinner.

Andy, are you having rotator cuff surgery? My husband had it done, and everything was very good after a short period of time. ope you have the same result.
Today's a weird day - I have Jamaican goat curry cooking in the crockpot, but that's for tomorrow night's dinner.
Tonight? No clue. Fend for yourself night (leftover pizza probably XD)
Andy, are you having rotator cuff surgery? My husband had it done, and everything was very good after a short period of time. ope you have the same result.

Thanks. Yes, I am. However, rehab will be long. One month after surgery to start PT then six weeks of PT. A big Thanksgiving dinner doesn't look like a real strong possibility. We'll have to wait and see how things progress.
Good Luck with your surgery Andy.

I have a pan of bake beans ( doctored up regular beans, butter beans and dark kidney beans ) with some country style ribs buried in them on a slow bake in the oven. I am making a cast iron pan corn bread to go with, and there's honey for the cornbread.
Thanks, Z!

And thanks to Tatt and Kylie. My migraine lifted last night. I feel so much better today.

I am so looking forward to those potato pancakes now. I hope my FIL makes lots! :pig:

I am so pleased to hear that LP :)

Hope you really enjoyed your pancakes ;)

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