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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
It seems that some of us have strong feelings about certain spices, food groups, or nationality foods. That's fine. If we all adored the one same thing, there wouldn't be enough to go around to all of us! I bet some of us absolutely crave other foods some wouldn't give the time of day to.

I thought instead of littering up threads with "yucks" and "disgusting!" peppered through our posts, we could have a place to crab to our hearts content about spices or "foreign" foods or...well, crabs, if shellfish isn't your thing. Use this thread to complain to your hearts content. Doesn't matter if another thread prompted your rant, or you tried something on a whim and thought your taste buds would die.

OK, me first. Cumin. Not a fan of the scent or flavor, but I know it's germane to the overall end result. When I add individual spices to something I'm cooking, I do reduce the volume to get less flavor. If it's in a seasoning mix? Instant indigestion.

Cilantro. Soapy taste, anyone?

Finally (for now), white pepper. Recently made a dish using what I had. It was old. Ended up smelling like horse barn. Just bought some fresh peppercorns from a vendor who sells bulk spices at a feverish clip, so I know they were fresh. Still horse barn. Is white pepper supposed to smell like that? :huh:

Anyone else? Kayelle, I'm looking at you. :LOL: I've tried Indian once or twice in the distant past. I'm not interested in revisiting that cuisine anytime soon, unless I make it at home...with modifications.
Well, that's my queue to leave.

I've really had it lately with all of the chronic complaining that goes on around here. Enough is enough.

So I wish most of you well, and maybe we'll meet up sometime down the road.

Well, that's my queue to leave.

I've really had it lately with all of the chronic complaining that goes on around here. Enough is enough.

So I wish most of you well, and maybe we'll meet up sometime down the road.

Actually, I think it's your cue to stay. We shouldn't have to see too much ranting about disliked foods in regular threads with CG's solution. We, at least I, would miss you if you left.
Yes, raw cilantro is really not something I can stand. I wouldn't call it soapy, but I don't like it. Funny thing, I really like coriander seeds.

Tuna casserole, I can't get past the smell. I have never tried it.
Same here with the cilantro/coriander thing. If I recipe calls for cilantro, most times I just use parsley.

Actually, I think it's your cue to stay. We shouldn't have to see too much ranting about disliked foods in regular threads with CG's solution. We, at least I, would miss you if you left.
I hope you stay too, Steve. If we can gently remind people when they start venting too much in a thread that there IS a place for that kind of thing, we might be able to happily enjoy other threads. I'm OK with being reminded, since I know I've expressed distaste for something rather enthusiastically on a few occasions.
Well, that's my queue to leave.

I've really had it lately with all of the chronic complaining that goes on around here. Enough is enough.

So I wish most of you well, and maybe we'll meet up sometime down the road.

Steve, :)
I don't think it was your cue to leave, sound like a great idea to me.We don't want you to leave. You are a great contributer to the board. I am sure CG did not mean to upset you.

Steve, I really do hope you reconsider. I always look forward to your posts and your pictures, and agree with Josie - you are a great contributor to DC.
I don't get the drama. I must be missing something here....
Someone, please fill me in. No PM's please. My mailbox is full anyway. :)
It was a discussion of curries. Some people adore them, others hate them, some don't want to try because of the smell. It got a little heated.

It was in these two threads:
OK, now I am very confused. If anyone would like to explain what's going on, please feel free to PM me.

As any other website has, we have our share of disagreements. I like to think that DC is one of the friendlier ones.

Ah, Taxi, now I see some of it.
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It was a discussion of curries. Some people adore them, others hate them, some don't want to try because of the smell. It got a little heated.

It was in these two threads:

What are we? A bunch of third graders? Of course the discussions can get a little heated......we are talking curry.
Thanks for the links, btw. :yum:
It seems that some of us have strong feelings about certain spices, food groups, or nationality foods. That's fine. If we all adored the one same thing, there wouldn't be enough to go around to all of us! I bet some of us absolutely crave other foods some wouldn't give the time of day to.

I thought instead of littering up threads with "yucks" and "disgusting!" peppered through our posts, we could have a place to crab to our hearts content about spices or "foreign" foods or...well, crabs, if shellfish isn't your thing. Use this thread to complain to your hearts content. Doesn't matter if another thread prompted your rant, or you tried something on a whim and thought your taste buds would die.

OK, me first. Cumin. Not a fan of the scent or flavor, but I know it's germane to the overall end result. When I add individual spices to something I'm cooking, I do reduce the volume to get less flavor. If it's in a seasoning mix? Instant indigestion.

Cilantro. Soapy taste, anyone?

Finally (for now), white pepper. Recently made a dish using what I had. It was old. Ended up smelling like horse barn. Just bought some fresh peppercorns from a vendor who sells bulk spices at a feverish clip, so I know they were fresh. Still horse barn. Is white pepper supposed to smell like that? :huh:

Anyone else? Kayelle, I'm looking at you. :LOL: I've tried Indian once or twice in the distant past. I'm not interested in revisiting that cuisine anytime soon, unless I make it at home...with modifications.
Bananas. I eat them because I know they are "Good for me" (dreadful words!). I have to have one mashed to a pulp with Weetabix and unflavoured, unsweetened yoghourt so I can hardly taste the banana and the texture is by-passed. Apparently I couldn't stand them when I was first introduced to them as a baby of 6 months so it isn't an acquired dislike. It's the texture AND the taste. There is something that is (was?) served up to children as dessert - bananas sliced and mixed with Birds Custard. It is the most vile pudding in the known world. Custard tasting of banana - Bleuch!

You couldn't pay me to eat anything with more than 4 legs unless it came out of the sea.

Earl Grey tea.

Horse - but that's a cultural thing. The English don't eat horses (in theory, at least). I have eaten it once but didn't know until afterwards.

Carrot cake - don't know why because I love carrots and the usual spice mixture used in it.
You couldn't pay me enough to eat sweetbreads...just the thought of what they are and how they look is enough for me.

I would be pushed to eat tripe also (although I recall I bravely tried it). :sick:
Well, By choice, one needn't read every topic.

I am surrounded by picky eaters. Jr doesn't care for Bones. No spare ribs, and boneless chicken it is for him. I guess that means I need not splurge for T-bone steaks? His GF doesn't like Tomato/ red sauce dishes-- pizza and sloppy joes excepted. Her teenagers don't like things they are unfamiliar with AND they won't eat some things that they are familiar with and didn't like. I have to give credit, they at least Tasted our fresh pesto before confirming they didn't like.

DxW won't eat pork products, except she likes bacon, ham, sausage, and recently my pork roast. Go figure. No asparagus for her, Brussels sprouts are back in the line up.

I have an aversion towards SE Asian fish sauce. Cant cook with it. It's ok when it's served in restaurant dishes.

I seldom cook with dill, well rarely. Again, it's ok and tasty if someone else makes it. Don't serve me Kale. Way too healthy plus I don't like the Name, have no idea what it tastes like.

I might be the only person I've ever met who doesn't like sushi. No raw fish for moi. Ceviche, why yes, and I have made grav lox. If served Fresh tuna I prefer it cooked/ grilled well done, not just seared on the outside.

Egg salad sammies are one of my favorites. If nobody is watching, I eat around chopped egg (whites) in potato salad and push them aside on my plate.
"Today's pork can be cooked to 140F." Not for me. It must be cooked until there is no pinkness, which is about 155-160F.
I do not like the classic, liver and onions. I do like braunschweiger sandwiches. DxW buys for lunch sometimes.

There. This is a refreshing confession. Now may I have a cookie?
You couldn't pay me enough to eat sweetbreads...just the thought of what they are and how they look is enough for me.

I would be pushed to eat tripe also (although I recall I bravely tried it). :sick:
Ugh, tripe is so awful it is expunged from my memory. One of my holiday jobs when I was a student was as cook in an old people's home for about 8 weeks. Once a week the old dears had tripe and salad for tea. They loved it. I didn't - the smell of a container of enough tripe for 40 people is indescribably disgusting. Even the malt vinegar and pepper they used to put on it couldn't disguise it.

I do like sweetbreads, though. They aren't actually what some people think they are, though. They come from the pancreas and the thymus gland. The other things are called "lamb's fries" ( I believe they are called Rocky Mountain Oysters in parts of the States).
Well, for good or ill, I enjoy most if not all of the items mentioned in this thread. I certainly don't expect everyone to like everything I enjoy. Everyone is their own person with likes and dislikes. These differences, in my opinion, make the world a very interesting place. How mundane and boring would it be if everyone liked the same things? I do believe the DC is the most interesting, diverse, and extraordinary place dedicated to the enjoyment of food anywhere. The very differences between us is exactly what makes this place so enjoyable. Just my humble opinion, mind you.

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