Thanksgiving, Monday, Oct 8 (Canada)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Got the menu nailed down for tomorrow:

Show opener: some artichoke mini-bites
Main event: roasted turkey with wild rice stuffing
Supporting players: Country Vegetable Casserole, mashed potatoes, Laura Calder's brussels sprouts, gravy served with cranberry salsa, lemon-rosemary pickled beans, pickled beets, sriracha fridge pickles, B&B pickles, homemade corn relish

Final curtain call: Gingerbread cake
I can't believe none of us have started this thread. What are you planning? I'm still working on the details...what are the rest of you cooking for Thanksgiving?
Seriously? It's already Thanksgiving in Canada? The menu you posted, CWS, sounds mouthwatering delicious but why so many variations of pickles? Are pickles a tradition?
Seriously? It's already Thanksgiving in Canada? The menu you posted, CWS, sounds mouthwatering delicious but why so many variations of pickles? Are pickles a tradition?
I guess it's earlier in Canada because Thanksgiving is basically a harvest festival and we're further north, so we harvest earlier.
I have a friend who calls Thanksgiving the beginning of "eating season". He says it starts with Thanksgiving, moves on the the Halloween chow down, followed by the Christmas party circuit. That is closely followed by Christmas, New Years and then a short break til the Valentines chocolate run. Depending on the timing, Easter can sometimes be in the eating season as well.

So...a solid 4 months of chowing down.
Okay, setting a menu was a bit tricky because my guest list kept changing - we are down to Our upstairs neighbours - 2 separate ones, one female, one male, but it is not a set-up. We just haven't all gotten together for awhile and the young man is going to have to move soon. DH's brother will be coming and maybe bringing his 3 sons.

So, we are having
- a ham,
- a small turkey
- rice stuffing for DH
- bread and sausage stuffing for everyone else
- my homemade cranberry sauce (I am making a double batch so PF can have half!)
- mashed potatoes
- cornstarch gravy
- corn
- curried cauliflower
- broccoli salad
- two pumpkin pies - one gluten/dairy free and one regular
- my chocolate birthday cake that I decided to leave until there were others to share it with!
Got the menu nailed down for tomorrow:

Show opener: some artichoke mini-bites
Main event: roasted turkey with wild rice stuffing
Supporting players: Country Vegetable Casserole, mashed potatoes, Laura Calder's brussels sprouts, gravy served with cranberry salsa, lemon-rosemary pickled beans, pickled beets, sriracha fridge pickles, B&B pickles, homemade corn relish

Final curtain call: Gingerbread cake
On second thought, I want what she is having :LOL:
Okay, setting a menu was a bit tricky because my guest list kept changing - we are down to Our upstairs neighbours - 2 separate ones, one female, one male, but it is not a set-up. We just haven't all gotten together for awhile and the young man is going to have to move soon. DH's brother will be coming and maybe bringing his 3 sons.

So, we are having
- a ham,
- a small turkey
- rice stuffing for DH
- bread and sausage stuffing for everyone else
- my homemade cranberry sauce (I am making a double batch so PF can have half!)
- mashed potatoes
- cornstarch gravy
- corn
- curried cauliflower
- broccoli salad
- two pumpkin pies - one gluten/dairy free and one regular
- my chocolate birthday cake that I decided to leave until there were others to share it with!

Yippee!!!! Thanks, Laurie!
I have a friend who calls Thanksgiving the beginning of "eating season". He says it starts with Thanksgiving, moves on the the Halloween chow down, followed by the Christmas party circuit. That is closely followed by Christmas, New Years and then a short break til the Valentines chocolate run. Depending on the timing, Easter can sometimes be in the eating season as well.

So...a solid 4 months of chowing down.

And the pounds go from the table directly to the hips. :angel:
Seriously? It's already Thanksgiving in Canada? The menu you posted, CWS, sounds mouthwatering delicious but why so many variations of pickles? Are pickles a tradition?
Why so many variations of pickles? Because we made lots of different kinds and need to start eating them and the DH likes different pickles with his turkey than I like.
Okay, setting a menu was a bit tricky because my guest list kept changing - we are down to Our upstairs neighbours - 2 separate ones, one female, one male, but it is not a set-up. We just haven't all gotten together for awhile and the young man is going to have to move soon. DH's brother will be coming and maybe bringing his 3 sons.

So, we are having
- a ham,
- a small turkey
- rice stuffing for DH
- bread and sausage stuffing for everyone else
- my homemade cranberry sauce (I am making a double batch so PF can have half!)
- mashed potatoes
- cornstarch gravy
- corn
- curried cauliflower
- broccoli salad
- two pumpkin pies - one gluten/dairy free and one regular
- my chocolate birthday cake that I decided to leave until there were others to share it with!
Wow, LP! You'll have leftovers for the week! Sounds delish!
Today is also Columbus Day! Among his other accomplishments, I learned to type using his method. First I discover it, then I land on it! Happy Canadian "T-Day".
Good Friends -- Happy Thanksgiving !


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Thanks Whiskadoodle!

I've got my turkey in the brine for a little while longer. The green bean casserole is prepped and ready to go. I'm debating on whether to do root veggies or not. I'll put out some pickles and a big salad. Dessert is still flexible. I've done mince tarts, and apple crisp for the last big dinner, so I might do something a bit chocolatey. I also have about 5 lemons to use. (I know I know, what else is new?)
Today is also Columbus Day! Among his other accomplishments, I learned to type using his method. First I discover it, then I land on it! Happy Canadian "T-Day".

Ditto here. But I have a question. Do they still teach touch typeing in schools? If not, our kids are being cheated. Typeing minimum of 40 wpm is still a requirement for employment in a lot of major companies. And they frown on two finger typeing, no matter how fast you go. My girlfriend worked in HR for a lot of years. She said that two finger typeing does not look professional. It lowers your score on demeanor. Hmmm... :angel:
I want to be Canadien today and go to someone's home for dinner. Sage bread dressing, dark turkey meat, twice baked potatoes, gravy, lots of gravy, peas, carrots, and pie for dessert. Pumpkin pie and blueberry. Then a place to take a nap. I will help in the kitchen as long as I can take a nap after. :angel:
Addie--Dinner's at 4:00 and I have two guestrooms--take your pick! I better hurry up and make a pie--I have gingerbread for dessert and picked the last of 2nd planting of peas last night.
Oooooo! Gingerbread! Did you do the cake? I might do that! Good thought. Dinner is at 4 at CWS's place (that's 2pm my time) so you can finish there, and hop a plane over to my place. Dinner is at 6 here. There WILL be gravy...lots and LOTS of gravy.
Wow, LP! You'll have leftovers for the week! Sounds delish!

Everything is done fairly small scale, but I need to have dishes DH can eat and not all of those are appetizing for others. Also, for some reason Thanksgiving leftovers are my favourite - always have been! :pig:

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