Petty Vents

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Yes, I have Tylenol or Narcotics for what I am able to take...I've basically decided I would rather hurt than put up with some of the side effects of narcotics. I can take 2 Lortab (Vicodin) and be awake all night...they make me hyper.

Me too. And I only take one at a time. But if I take the gabapentin with it, I can sleep through anything. The como knocks me out like today. Otherwise I would have the kitchen cleaned by now. I started to take my morning meds, and took the Vicodin with the Gab, waited about ten minutes for them to get into my system, and the next thing I know it is 4p.m. :angel:
I just began using internet explorer as my browser for the first time since buying a pc with windows 8. I've never liked using ie. I have preferred chrome or even foxfire over ie because ie used to be so goshdarned pokey. well, ie has speeded up, and can now keep pace with both chrome and foxfire. my new beef with ie is that proper names and places are automatically capitalized with ie. i'm also noticing that my spelling/typing is being automatically corrected. I know it's no biggie, but to me, it is a minor irritant. I was finally getting around to making peace with the red underlinings of misspelled words. I don't appreciate having my posts micromanaged by my pc. and I still resent having the beginnings of my sentences reset to just one space instead of two. to my eyes, it looks and reads like a run-on sentence when only one space is separating one sentence from the next.

THERE, now I feel much better, having aired what might be the most petty vent ever recorded here....:)
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I just began using internet explorer as my browser for the first time since buying a pc with windows 8. I've never liked using ie. I have preferred chrome or even foxfire over ie because ie used to be so goshdarned pokey. well, ie has speeded up, and can now keep pace with both chrome and foxfire. my new beef with ie is that proper names and places are automatically capitalized with ie. i'm also noticing that my spelling/typing is being automatically corrected. I know it's no biggie, but to me, it is a minor irritant. I was finally getting around to making peace with the red underlinings of misspelled words. I don't appreciate having my posts micromanaged by my pc. and I still resent having the beginnings of my sentences reset to just one space instead of two. to my eyes, it looks and reads like a run-on sentence when only one space is separating one sentence from the next.

THERE, now I feel much better, having aired what might be the most petty vent ever recorded here....:)

Try here

Spell Checking - Turn On or Off in Windows 8

Apparently this is a forum for Windows 8 users .. you might find other stuff there too ... good luck !!
I just began using internet explorer as my browser for the first time since buying a pc with windows 8. I've never liked using ie. I have preferred chrome or even foxfire over ie because ie used to be so goshdarned pokey. well, ie has speeded up, and can now keep pace with both chrome and foxfire. my new beef with ie is that proper names and places are automatically capitalized with ie. i'm also noticing that my spelling/typing is being automatically corrected. I know it's no biggie, but to me, it is a minor irritant. I was finally getting around to making peace with the red underlinings of misspelled words. I don't appreciate having my posts micromanaged by my pc. and I still resent having the beginnings of my sentences reset to just one space instead of two. to my eyes, it looks and reads like a run-on sentence when only one space is separating one sentence from the next.

THERE, now I feel much better, having aired what might be the most petty vent ever recorded here....:)

I understand your frustration. I used to teach Windows, long before Windows 8. I was teaching folks who were going from the typewriter to a computer. I had the dangest time teaching the single space. It is a hard habit to break. I also had a hard time teaching them that indented paragraphs were no long the accepted form for a formal letter. There were new rules to learn and they didn't want to learn them. It was not what they learned in high school or secretary school. They would buck me all the way. I would finally have to tell them, if you want to keep your job, you will learn these new rules and live by them. That got their attention. As far as spellcheck goes, they loved it. They thought it was better than sliced bread. A lot of folks just stink at spelling. And I understand that. My daughter is one of those people. She used to call me at home all the time. "Mom, how do you spell....?" Now I never get phone calls from her for spelling. Even I find that red line a help. It is usually just a tpo. Such as wnat for want. What I don't like is the correcting my grammer. It will suggest something I don't want to say or suggest I reconsider. Be patient. Accept the new rules. Your eyes will adjust. Today I can spot a double space in an instant. :angel:
The two co-workers who have worked MDS a lot longer than me, have no clue about typing or computers. So they have decided to type in all caps...I won't do it! I end up with lower case where it should be a capital letter. Took me forever to get something typed using all caps having to go back and fix it. They also can't believe how I can type an entire page with no misspellings. I guess they don't see me fixing them as I go.
The two co-workers who have worked MDS a lot longer than me, have no clue about typing or computers. So they have decided to type in all caps...I won't do it! I end up with lower case where it should be a capital letter. Took me forever to get something typed using all caps having to go back and fix it. They also can't believe how I can type an entire page with no misspellings. I guess they don't see me fixing them as I go.

Drives The Pirate crazy when he sees me typing at a high speed (to him) and am looking right at him and not even hesitate. He claims I do that just to send him over the edge. (He's right!)

When I bought him his laptop, he started out as a one finger typist and had never used a computer or typewriter. Today, he can use more than one finger and has picked up speed. Just like I told him e would. But he still can't outytpe me. :angel:
Drives The Pirate crazy when he sees me typing at a high speed (to him) and am looking right at him and not even hesitate. He claims I do that just to send him over the edge. (He's right!)

When I bought him his laptop, he started out as a one finger typist and had never used a computer or typewriter. Today, he can use more than one finger and has picked up speed. Just like I told him e would. But he still can't outytpe me. :angel:

I'm really quite surprised at how my typing skills have evolved since the computer became a big part of my life in the last 15 years or so. It was something that I struggled with in middle school in keyboarding class, now it is very natural.
I'm really quite surprised at how my typing skills have evolved since the computer became a big part of my life in the last 15 years or so. It was something that I struggled with in middle school in keyboarding class, now it is very natural.

My typing has always been lousy. I can type faster with 2 fingers on the iPad than I can with all fingers on my work laptop.

I remember how painful it was in college and grad school, many moons ago, having to use the Whiteout and the correction tape for papers and resumes. On a little Smith-Corona portable typewriter, which I still have!
I bought my cat Iams senior cat food, since he's old and I was feeling nice. Apparently this food has made him extra barfy......

He's taken to barfing on the carpet in the basement. I can highly recommend Woolite pet stain spray. Sprayed that on the barfy stain, ran the carpet cleaner over it and it was like it was never there.

I guess that it is back to the 9 lives plus care urinary tract formula. Upside, it's a lot cheaper and he likes it.
Do you know how well it works on cat pee?
I used to watch my piano teacher lift her hands off the keys and place them perfectly elsewhere on the keys without making a mistake. I so wanted to be able to play like that. By the time I was ready for my first recital, I didn't realize it but I was doing that when I was playing that night. I could play part of it and look up at the audience smiling without making a mistake. I didn't realize that I was even doing it. It wasn't until much later when my teacher showed me her home movies of that recital, that I saw me doing it.

I have always lacked confidence in myself. I guess I still do. I have always admired someone else who had accomplished something that I thought I could never learn. And over time when I reached the same level of expertise I didn't even recognize that I had arrived. It was the same wth reading. I never recognized that I was the best reader in the class. Why else would my fourth grade teacher have me read to the class on the last hour every Friday. I didn't even realize that I loved reading until the fifth grade. :angel:
Do you know how well it works on cat pee?

My furball had developed a liking to behind a chair in our living room while having an episode of UTI. Unfortunately there was (and never will be) a litter pan back there. Someone in a pet shop recommended "Nature's Miracle" cat formula. Even on hot, humid day we can't tell the little bugger was having issues. *poof* all smell is gone.
My furball had developed a liking to behind a chair in our living room while having an episode of UTI. Unfortunately there was (and never will be) a litter pan back there. Someone in a pet shop recommended "Nature's Miracle" cat formula. Even on hot, humid day we can't tell the little bugger was having issues. *poof* all smell is gone.
Thank you. I'm taking notes. Drove me buggy trying to find that post by Bakechef.
I used to watch my piano teacher lift her hands off the keys and place them perfectly elsewhere on the keys without making a mistake. I so wanted to be able to play like that. By the time I was ready for my first recital, I didn't realize it but I was doing that when I was playing that night. I could play part of it and look up at the audience smiling without making a mistake. I didn't realize that I was even doing it. It wasn't until much later when my teacher showed me her home movies of that recital, that I saw me doing it.

I have always lacked confidence in myself. I guess I still do. I have always admired someone else who had accomplished something that I thought I could never learn. And over time when I reached the same level of expertise I didn't even recognize that I had arrived. It was the same wth reading. I never recognized that I was the best reader in the class. Why else would my fourth grade teacher have me read to the class on the last hour every Friday. I didn't even realize that I loved reading until the fifth grade. :angel:

Addie, thank heaven someone recognized my reading ability when I was quite young. My math ability is, well, I'll be nice, poop. But somewhere long about 4th grade, someone said, that gal can read. They actually sent me to a speed reading class. I don't use that skill on a regular basis, but do read more quickly than the average bear, reading 3-5 books a week. My library is (and always has been) my best friend, along with used book stores and Amazon.
Addie, thank heaven someone recognized my reading ability when I was quite young. My math ability is, well, I'll be nice, poop. But somewhere long about 4th grade, someone said, that gal can read. They actually sent me to a speed reading class. I don't use that skill on a regular basis, but do read more quickly than the average bear, reading 3-5 books a week. My library is (and always has been) my best friend, along with used book stores and Amazon.

My math is right down the toilet. Unless I have a piece of paper and a pencil right there in front of me, well, you better double check my figures just to be sure.

But reading! When I look back on the fourth grade, I realized I loved reading to the class. Not because I was showing off that I was the best reader, but I was sharing something I really loved doing. I could make Tom Sawyer and his girlfriend Becky sound like they lived right next door. A lot of Fridays I had only a page or two to finish for a chapter and those kids sat there until I had to stop. They never rushed to get out of that classroom. I must have been doing a really good job. I think I am going to see if our local library has a reading program for kids. The good weather is here to stay and the library can accommodate my scooter. :angel:
Libraries LOVE their volunteers! If they don't have that kind of reading program, suggest it to the library director. I've volunteered under a couple very different ones but they've always been more than happy to have a volunteer suggest and take charge of an idea. You'll get way more out of it than you put in too. Just one of the blessings of volunteering.
I just began using internet explorer as my browser for the first time since buying a pc with windows 8. I've never liked using ie. I have preferred chrome or even foxfire over ie because ie used to be so goshdarned pokey. well, ie has speeded up, and can now keep pace with both chrome and foxfire. my new beef with ie is that proper names and places are automatically capitalized with ie. i'm also noticing that my spelling/typing is being automatically corrected. I know it's no biggie, but to me, it is a minor irritant. I was finally getting around to making peace with the red underlinings of misspelled words. I don't appreciate having my posts micromanaged by my pc. and I still resent having the beginnings of my sentences reset to just one space instead of two. to my eyes, it looks and reads like a run-on sentence when only one space is separating one sentence from the next.

THERE, now I feel much better, having aired what might be the most petty vent ever recorded here....:)

Interestingly I feel completely the oposite. I prefer the ie to chrome and for sure the firefox. I like my misspleings highlighted for me to see, as I usually have tons of them. Go figure.
My furball had developed a liking to behind a chair in our living room while having an episode of UTI. Unfortunately there was (and never will be) a litter pan back there. Someone in a pet shop recommended "Nature's Miracle" cat formula. Even on hot, humid day we can't tell the little bugger was having issues. *poof* all smell is gone.

My mom swears by Petzyme and Nature's Miracle. It's the enzymes that kill the odor, and it never comes back.

Luckily Oscar has not yet peed on the floor.
Grrrr, now not only I am mad about my own problem, but after typing up all about that problem this page lucked up and then all together closed on me, now I have type again.
Anyways, I hate dealing with friends. Below is the picture of my latest project that I build for the synagogue, the tablecloth was ordered from the alteration shop owned by my friend. All the dimensions were discussed and written down. When I came to pick it up it is smaller by 3-5 inches on all dimensions. I am sure nobody will ever know the difference and it looks just fine and nice as is, but never the less I wanted the thing to be bigger and I am paying for it too. It was not for free. I am a wimp of course; anybody else in my place would go back and demand to have the cover remade. I just cannot do it. I think most of all I am mad at myself, I suppose if it was somebody else, somebody I do not know, I would, but cannot do it to a friend.
why can't I upload the picture? weird
Ok, maybe this will work.


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