Petty Vents

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Ok, maybe this will work.
Nice looking shop. With that equipment you should be able to make some deluxe pastry / dough boards to go with your KA 7 quart.


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oh Charlie, i'm sorry that you are unhappy with the dimensions of the table covering made by your friend. first off, I must say that this piece is truly a thing of beauty, made with considerable skill and artistry. it is rich and sumptuous looking, very striking. it looks as though the top portion has been made to conform to the dimensions of the table itself. the accented border is a lovely feature. to my eye, the table and the tablecloth are nicely proportioned. in a larger size, a covering that substantial might actually appear top heavy on your table, imo....:)

Thanks Vit, it was only supposed to be 2-3 inches longer and 2-3 wider.
That is the stupid thing, I gave all the dimensions.
I suppose, for I could cut material to the right size.

Charlie I am confused. Was it the beautiful blue cover that was made wrong or the carving block? If it is the cover and you do decide to cut it yourslef, remember to leave enough all around the edges for a hem. So if you need a 12" then the measurement would be 13.5 " on all sides. You need a half inch for the first turn of the material and then an inch for the second turn so that there are no raw edges. I have the feeling that they cut the material to your measurements, but failed to take into account the hem. :angel:
You know Charlie, I'm thinking there was some confusion regarding the overall size if the cloth, I suspect your friend misunderstood and included the fringe trim in the overall dimension. But you know what? The table is so lovely and the cloth really is beautiful I don't think anyone will notice. Everyone will know what was in your heart especially the ONE who matters most!
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:wacko: I guess I am just getting old. How did the problem go from a beautiful cloth of religious significance to a chopping block? Is the cloth for a chopping block? Please someone enlighten me. :angel:
Anyways, I hate dealing with friends. Below is the picture of my latest project that I build for the synagogue, the tablecloth was ordered from the alteration shop owned by my friend. All the dimensions were discussed and written down. When I came to pick it up it is smaller by 3-5 inches on all dimensions. I am sure nobody will ever know the difference and it looks just fine and nice as is, but never the less I wanted the thing to be bigger

Charlie, your work is wonderful! Why would you want the cloth bigger? It would hide your lovely handiwork. Is that a stand for the Torah? If so, I'm guessing God likes wood better than fabric. :) Maybe the "mistake" is a gift from Him since you don't seem to be the least bit vain about your own work. Someone has to make sure it gets shown off.
Charlie, it looks lovely. I would not worry about it, it seems that the cloth is proportional to your stand. Nice work!
Petty vent here. No sleep last night. Beagle barked like crazy all night long. I'd scoop her up, bring her upstairs, cover her up, and she would get up, go downstairs, and bark some more. We've had a lot of coyotes and dog-coyote hybrids around, along with wild turkeys, deer, rabbits, and the neighbor's free-roaming cats, but I could see nothing. And DH was a snoring fool. In my ear. He insisted on having all the windows open, and the wood blinds kept clanking in the wind. And it was hotter than blazes. I told him we should have put on the AC. Tonight, if it happens again, I plan to shove both of them into the dog crate.
Petty vent here. No sleep last night. Beagle barked like crazy all night long. I'd scoop her up, bring her upstairs, cover her up, and she would get up, go downstairs, and bark some more. We've had a lot of coyotes and dog-coyote hybrids around, along with wild turkeys, deer, rabbits, and the neighbor's free-roaming cats, but I could see nothing. And DH was a snoring fool. In my ear. He insisted on having all the windows open, and the wood blinds kept clanking in the wind. And it was hotter than blazes. I told him we should have put on the AC. Tonight, if it happens again, I plan to shove both of them into the dog crate.

We need a picture of that...:LOL:
Or you could shove them both out that open window. At least it might scare the coyotes away!

Himself snores like a B-52 taking off. When we're home I usually wander down to the spare room. When we travel I have coping measures - these work: Mack's Ear Plugs ;)
Dawglover, I hate noise blinds make. My DW always wants window open, fresh air you know, but I prefer ac.

Thank you everybody. Yes it is the blue cover. And my friend if was confused, was confused completely. Because dimensions are wrong either way. Not with the fringe and not without. Oh we'll, I'll just have to live with it.
So my kidney stone decided to move yesterday, ok, I understand it's a kidney stone, it is the second one I am having, the last one was a year ago, about the same time. Ok, of course I can complain that it hurts, but really what I want to complain is the fact that both times it happened on/during Sabbath. How fair is it? Day of rest, when I am not supposed to drive, watch tv, etc. of course the laws of sabbath are very strict and the same that says that you cannot do many things also says that life is too previous and must be protected, so I went to hospital, where nurse kept offering me to put on tv. Ok, lady, I came here, doesn't mean I should watch tv. Ok, I decided, I am complaining about pain too, it hurts, boys and girls.
So my kidney stone decided to move yesterday, ok, I understand it's a kidney stone, it is the second one I am having, the last one was a year ago, about the same time. Ok, of course I can complain that it hurts, but really what I want to complain is the fact that both times it happened on/during Sabbath. How fair is it? Day of rest, when I am not supposed to drive, watch tv, etc. of course the laws of sabbath are very strict and the same that says that you cannot do many things also says that life is too previous and must be protected, so I went to hospital, where nurse kept offering me to put on tv. Ok, lady, I came here, doesn't mean I should watch tv. Ok, I decided, I am complaining about pain too, it hurts, boys and girls.

Hope you feel better soon, Charlie. My understanding is that there are very few things more painful than a kidney stone, and there doesn't seem to be a lot doctors can do for them.

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