If You buy Quilted Northern Toilet Paper....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004
just to let you know they have changed the packaging look along with cutting the sheets per roll. It is the newest grocery store shrink ray product of 2018.

The 352 sheet mega rolls, Ultra soft & strong variety, are now 328 sheet mega rolls.

The 330 sheet mega rolls, Ultra plush variety, are now 308 sheet mega rolls.

Just letting you know:mad:
:LOL: ^

Manufacturers have been doing this for years. I can't say that I've actually counted the difference in toilet paper sheets, though....
I came across an article about "What was used before toilet paper" Good Reading! :blink: :D

If you decide to go back in time be sure you end up in China where they've used paper (or very similar) for centuries!

The others... blech, shudder, not so inviting.
Oh, I've visited places outside of the US where their toilet paper (they don't come in rolls) were equivalent to using coarse sandpaper.

Thinking that might just be a tad better than the slippery shiny type that not only does not absorb - it just smears! Great Britain comes to mind.
:LOL: ^

Manufacturers have been doing this for years. I can't say that I've actually counted the difference in toilet paper sheets, though....

And not just paper products. I wish that I'd had the ingenuity to take measurements and keep a record of the change in size and price of certain candy bars. At first they just increased the price, then they shrunk the size, then raised the price again, then they offered a larger bar for a higher price that more than offset the increase in size. Next the cycle repeated itself so that the bar is back to about it's original size, but the price still goes up.

When I think about inflation, that's about the first thing which comes to mind - how a 5 cent Snickers bar is now at least $1.00, 20 times as much, yet the bar size is pretty much the same as it was when it was a nickle. For the record, I think that works out to 2000% inflation - more than just about anything else I can think of over the same period.
I used to love to teach Scouts about the importance of using a checklist when packing your backpack before a trip. If you forget 1 small but important thing such as toilet paper once you're out in the woods, the alternative was to find a nice and pliable large leaf from a tree, poke your middle finge through it, and that's your scraper/toilet paper.

No one ever forgot anything, checklists in hand.
I used to love to teach Scouts about the importance of using a checklist when packing your backpack before a trip. If you forget 1 small but important thing such as toilet paper once you're out in the woods, the alternative was to find a nice and pliable large leaf from a tree, poke your middle finge through it, and that's your scraper/toilet paper.

No one ever forgot anything, checklists in hand.
You could always use your checklist
I guess this is a genuine food forum topic if you are adventurous in your cooking and eating. Some foods give more importance to bathroom tissue than others. :ermm:

And not just paper products. I wish that I'd had the ingenuity to take measurements and keep a record of the change in size and price of certain candy bars. At first they just increased the price, then they shrunk the size, then raised the price again, then they offered a larger bar for a higher price that more than offset the increase in size. Next the cycle repeated itself so that the bar is back to about it's original size, but the price still goes up.

When I think about inflation, that's about the first thing which comes to mind - how a 5 cent Snickers bar is now at least $1.00, 20 times as much, yet the bar size is pretty much the same as it was when it was a nickle. For the record, I think that works out to 2000% inflation - more than just about anything else I can think of over the same period.

I got a box of Van de Kamp's breaded fish the other day. There's still 10 pieces of fish in the package, but...they've shrunk to half the size they used to be.
I knew the sheets-per-roll count was going down as soon as I saw the coupons with the promotion "Look for our new packaging!!!". No reason to change the package unless you're changing the...value. At least they still have 200+ sheets on a "double roll". :rolleyes:

I rarely buy Charmin. However, a month or two ago one of the grocery stores I shop had a deal on Charmin, and took another $1 off the price if you bought $15 or more (I did) AND I have a good coupon ($1 or more off). Picked up a 12-count "double roll" and thought that it seemed lighter than I had remembered. When I got it home and started to add it to our stock, I saw that these "double rolls" now had a total of 154 sheets per roll. :huh: I don't remember EVER buying a single roll of toilet paper that had only 72 sheets. :glare: Would have been a better value to use the coupon in the bathroom... :whistling:
My mum bought Bunny soft toilet paper, it came from Poland , had a cute pink bunny , it was cheap and left splinters in your down stairs. My mum refused to buy new and called us whiny, my father tossed them all in the furnace , problem solved.

Toilet paper should be soft..

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