Rice in all its glory!

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Hey Zhizara, I haven't been on all day but I can hopefully shed a bit of light here. We try to get the thread title to reflect the content of the thread as closely as possible. So, for example, I would change something titled "Crockpot?" to "ISO best crockpot for a large family" if that were what the thread was indicating. Just an attempt to make things a bit more specific for those who search with Google. Does that help?

Yes, thank you.

Now as for the wild rice blend. If you can put together types of rice that require the same cooking times I think you would be OK. I buy the rice blends in a big tub and add my own stock to cook it in. The best one I got recently had just a bit of wild rice, brown rice, red rice, spelt and white rice in it. It was FANTASTIC cooked with beef boullion.

I've never seen the kinds of blends you mentioned. They do sound good. I'll have to take a longer look in the rice section. I know that last time, when I actually looked for it, the wild rice was right there.

Actually I was only thinking of the white and wild rice mixture and trying to find out what spices and add-ins would be good, but I will look for other rices. I had never heard of red rice or spelt.

I often make chicken stock using onion soup mix then make rice with the stock, or just the soup mix. The mix takes 4 C water so I just add 2 C rice. I package in zip bags to pull out whenever I want rice so I don't have to cook it every time.

I'm not sure if I've used plain bullion before, but I do have the granulated beef and chicken as a staple always on hand. I'll try the chicken next as a change from the onion.

Thanks for the ideas!
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I just cooked up some brown rice, left it plain. I cooked talapia in butter with a bit of seasoning. After I removed the talapia, I stirred the cooked rice into the pan...seasoned it just right. I do that alot with rice, just stirring it into whatever panjuices I have left.

I like making a chunky soup or chili and adding it over rice. Chopped broccoli, sauteed onions. Cooking the rice in broth or stock. Diced chicken with whatever seasoning you like...chinese, mexican, etc.

I really like your idea of adding the rice to the drippings. It would also be a great way to heat up rice that had been made earlier and frozen then thawed.:chef:
I really like your idea of adding the rice to the drippings. It would also be a great way to heat up rice that had been made earlier and frozen then thawed.:chef:
Takes the guesswork of how to season the rice to compliment your meal.:LOL:
The best rice blends I have gotten lately are from Trader Joe's.

You originally asked about wild rice. If there is a Trader Joe's close to you try these 2 Trader Joe Brand blends. They come in bags.

Brown Rice Medley (long grain brown rice, black barley & Daikon radish seeds)

Basmati Rice Medley (basmati rice, wild rice, garden herbs & vegetables)

They are GREAT!! I make them with the flavor stock of whatever meat I am having with it. (Chicken stock/broth for chicken or pork dishes, beef stock/broth for beef dishes.)
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I keep hearing about Trader Joe's, but I had never heard of it before.

Is there a link you can post where I could shop online?
I keep hearing about Trader Joe's, but I had never heard of it before.

Is there a link you can post where I could shop online?
I don't think they have shop online but heres a link that can help find if one is in your area.

Trader Joe's
Oh well, thanks for trying. I'm pretty limited to Sav A Lot and Walmart here. There aren't a lot of fancy stores here on the West Bank, especially after Katrina.
This is what the jars I buy look like. I can give you a website address if you like.


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There is a Whole Foods in NOLA, not sure how close it is to you, Z!

And they sell the Lundberg Rice.
Whole Foods Market5600 Magazine StreetNew Orleans, LA 70115
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My only experience is that wild rice takes a lot more time to cook than regular rice. The mixes must par-boil the wild rice in the combo. I haven't tried it in years, but it seems to me I started the wild rice a half hour before I tossed in the regular long grain rice the times I was successful.
My mom used to use some of those rice blends and the smell and flavor was extraordinary!! I could never remember the brand. But seeing the bag logo that is the brand. I never knew where she got them almost 30 years ago. Thank you so much for the link.
My mom used to use some of those rice blends and the smell and flavor was extraordinary!! I could never remember the brand. But seeing the bag logo that is the brand. I never knew where she got them almost 30 years ago. Thank you so much for the link.

Which kinds did you like best for taste and for aroma?:chef:
Which kinds did you like best for taste and for aroma?:chef:
ALL of them!! Sorry I can't say which ones were the best because they were all good and smelled fantastic. I am not sure what blends she got I just ate them!
I think I'll start with Jasmine. When you mentioned aroma, that's what I thought of, so I guess it should be first. I love making the house smell good with cooking.:chef:

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