1950's tri arc saucepans with detachable handle

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Assistant Cook
Nov 4, 2004
Hi it's Deeshirley from Queensland Australia.

Does anyone remember a particular saucepan set which comprised of 3 arc shaped saucepans with a detachable handle? They could all fit on one large hotplate of the stove. Not sure of what material they were made of.
I'd love to get hold of a set. If anyone know of a brand, that would be very helpful for me to track one down. 8)
Looks like us Aussies all had them. oi! Oi! Oi! Originally made by Mackenzie and Bannister in NZ they were taken over by Brentware Australia.They also came with a steamer basket insert with a wire liftout handle. The saucepans themselves were made of aluminium. From memory they had annodised lids in a reddish colour, maybe other colours also. They may be a good collectors item but I personally would not like to cook in them due to the aluminium.

Looks like you just missed out on a set on e-Bay.

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