Best Philly Cheesesteak in Philly?

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Head Chef
Jul 11, 2013

Haven't been here for a while!

However, I am flying out to Philadelphia on Wednesday for a few days - so where can I get the best Philly Cheeseteak?

I have Googled of course.

And the first thing that is important is whether the meat is chopped or minced?

I don't want to start world war III but does anyone have recent knowledge of a really good, authentic Philly Cheeseteak (or is it Cheese Steak) IN Philly?
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The most famous ones are Pat's and Gino's. They would both be considered "authentic" though different. No doubt there are others that are not as well known who make great sandwiches. Be aware they are each little different.
Yep, I heard about those.

I guess I just wondered if anyone had any actual recent experience.

Years ago I had an "authentic" hot dog in New York.. or should I say I attempted to eat one - after one bite I chucked it in the bin! I am sure you can get a good hot dog in NYC.

Like everyone else on this forum, I appreciate good food, not necessarily "posh" food. Maybe I will hate a Philly Cheesesteak. But as a Brit, and having never tried one, I would like to know that I had a good, reasonably authentic version to base my opinion on.
Hey, Katy, good to see you! Have a nice trip to the States, short as it will be. If Himself's back wasn't out of whack right now, I'd tell him to pack up for a trip to Philly so we could meet up. And so that I could do a little shopping/looking at Fante's Kitchen Shop. :whistling:

The meat is actually shaved, or cut into wafer thin slices. Then it's seared really fast on a flat top. Heaped into steak rolls, topped the way you like it - heaven! if done right. I found an article with hints on how one orders a cheesesteak and the options for topping one. The process has a language all its own. :LOL: Also a list of a few more well-regarded shops. Where and How to Order the Best Philly Cheesesteaks

The most famous ones are Pat's and Gino's...
We've been to both. We preferred the sandwich from Pat's. The staff was nicer, too.
There are actually a lot of good places to get a cheesesteak in Phiily. There are the famous places, but there are also a lot of street-corner joints that make a good cheesesteak.

The two main things are the meat, and the rolls. The meat should be shaved ribeye, and the rolls should be Amoroso's... no other bread will do. A lot of people will tell you a proper cheesesteak will have CheezWiz. Ignore them. IMO, provolone is the way to go. Grilled onions are also a must have option.

While you are in Philly, get a hoagie, too. Again, it has to be on Amoroso's bread. When I am in Philly, I have to have a hoagie.

Okay, I am back after my flying visit.

I can report two very specific things about this trip:

1. I LOVE Philly Cheesesteaks (whether "authentic" I cannot say, but I went with a "basic" version - just the shaved/sliced meat, cheese and onions and a roll that was a sort of cross between a baguette and a soft hot dog roll.) I ate it at the Reading Terminal Market and the crush of people was astonishing but the atmosphere was amazing. You end up seated next to all sorts of people! Anyway, confronted with a ludicrously large tub of fries and a foil-wrapped Cheesesteak - the Cheesesteak won! :pig: Delicious!

2. Philly pedestrians are incredibly friendly. Car drivers in Philly are not friendly at all. (Other than the Uber drivers who are mostly fine.)

All in all, Philadelphia was very interesting.
Hey, Katy, good to see you! Have a nice trip to the States, short as it will be. If Himself's back wasn't out of whack right now, I'd tell him to pack up for a trip to Philly so we could meet up. And so that I could do a little shopping/looking at Fante's Kitchen Shop. :whistling:

The meat is actually shaved, or cut into wafer thin slices. Then it's seared really fast on a flat top. Heaped into steak rolls, topped the way you like it - heaven! if done right. I found an article with hints on how one orders a cheesesteak and the options for topping one. The process has a language all its own. :LOL: Also a list of a few more well-regarded shops. Where and How to Order the Best Philly Cheesesteaks

We've been to both. We preferred the sandwich from Pat's. The staff was nicer, too.

Hey CG! Honestly, it would have been fun to meet up. I was with a friend who originally hails from NJ when we ordered our Cheesesteaks - which is just as well as it was (or seemed like) utter chaos! I had no clue where to go or what to do! I saw the meat and onions being cooked on the flattop - and I must admit my expectations were pretty low. Something that looked so basic couldnt possibly taste good.... but no, it was just delicious. I cannot believe I have never had one - and now I cannot get one again in Britain!
...I cannot believe I have never had one - and now I cannot get one again in Britain!
Ah, but you CAN make it yourself, Katy. I've made them at home; the hardest part is slicing the steak meat really thin. :LOL: You can always sweet-talk the butcher into doing it for you, too. ~ Glad you had a fun time.
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