'Burger' cookies?

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Master Chef
Aug 24, 2004
da 'burgh
me & the guy were bickering & i wanna make him these cookies for himself & the guys from work.
'nilla wafers were included, & greenish-tinted coconut for the pseudo-lettuce. is a thin-mint cookie the sorta burger-meat component?
other than this, the other cookie ingredients elude me.
i'd love giving my jake a slew of cookie burgers for himself & his fellow employees......
thanx & hugs/love. :)
I gotta say luvs I would love to help you with some of the questions that you ask,, but I just don't understand half the things you say... If you read some of your posts it's almost like code, for what I don't know... I've read some of them over and over again and scratched my head saying WTH is she talking about...

I'm sorry not trying to rag on ur way of speakin, but I don't get the gist of what your asking... Maybe it's just me... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
posts can be very easily ignored..... ither ignore them youself or click on the ignore button so readily available!
if my posts (pittsburghese dialect) elude yourself or others, aw, welll, that's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes!
my classically-French-trained instructors may well see thier teachings as adept, & i need nary further reassurance unless they're contributing/correcting me. they're the pros that i'm esentially signing my $$ onto-&-into thier paychecks. ~brows raised~
if ya wanna be correct, i'm 100% for that. lol, i'm not so very disconcerted by that. i wanted to bake cookies for the guys. & i'll leave that open for interpretation. making cookies. plain & simple, lol. at last check, cookies were nary an offensive, incomprehensible item when ISO a few pointers. when your cooking exceeds perfection, i'll read your posts. till then, i'll ignore them.

.....& yepper, i often type in additional thoughts. my perogative.
You still don't get it, I was not offensive, just trying to figure out what you needed... So because my cooking way exceeds perfection, please do me, and you, the favor of staying away from my posts...
Here's the recipe my SO uses:


80 ‘Nilla Wafers for the buns (2 boxes)
40 Keebler Grasshopper Cookies for the burgers (1 pkg.)
1 Tube Red Frosting for the ketchup
1 Tube Yellow Frosting for the mustard
4 Oz. Shredded Coconut for the lettuce
Green Food Coloring for the coconut
Honey to be used as glue
Ground nuts or sesame seeds

Start with a ‘Nilla Wafer for the bottom bun.

Stick the Grasshopper cookie to the “bun” with a dab of honey.

On opposite edges of the “burger”, put dabs of red and yellow frosting.

Color the coconut with the green food coloring.

Sprinkle the colored coconut on top of the “burger”

Top with another ‘Nilla Wafer, using another dab of honey.

Press the wafer down onto the burger so the red and yellow frostings ooze out to the edges of the burger.

Lightly coat the top of the bun with honey and sprinkle the ground nuts or sesame seeds.

Make these a day ahead to allow time for the honey to dry.

Makes 40 Hamburgers
hmmmm those would be fun for April Fool's Day.

I'd think you'd need to stick the coconut onto the "burger" before you add the top cookie, though. :)
I gotta say luvs I would love to help you with some of the questions that you ask,, but I just don't understand half the things you say... If you read some of your posts it's almost like code, for what I don't know... I've read some of them over and over again and scratched my head saying WTH is she talking about...

I'm sorry not trying to rag on ur way of speakin, but I don't get the gist of what your asking... Maybe it's just me... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

OK, so I'm not the only one!
Ok now everyone much of this should have been PM's. We all need to realize that what we say here can be misunderstood because we can't see the posters face. If you think about all those little faces to the right, they can help show our feelings. Remember feelings get squashed easily and that is most likely not intended. If we run into a post that upsets us...Walk away,save yourself some stress.We're family here so lets remember that.
I want to apologize to luvs, I honestly did not mean to offend you, and I feel awful if I did... I'm only here in this forum to help, and be helped, with a little added humor along the way... I'm so sorry if I hurt your feelings as this is not what I intended... :(:(:(
yeah, kades. the ingredients being pre-cooked make this a snack i figure i could make! :)
'kay! i'll post them after we get a few of the ingredients & i commence cookie-production! :)
'kay! i'll post them after we get a few of the ingredients & i commence cookie-production! :)
what if he wants a bacon cheese burger? LOL sorry I could resist!! have fun sweetie.
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