Chocolate macadamia cake rec:

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 30, 2004
It took me half the morning trying to decide what to fix for dessert, yeesh, you'd think having a quiet house and no little kiddos would lend itself to making up ones mind quickly:LOL: I guess, I've become accoustomed to playing, noisy, kids underfoot so I will have to turn on some noise when I'm alone from now on:ROFLMAO:
Anyway I decided to do this one again..It does'nt last long..

3-sticks unsalted butter
1-1/2 lbs. bittersweet chocolate
1-c. toasted macadamia nuts
8-eggs, room temp
whipped cream..before I begin, this cake uses no sugar, so pick a bittersweet chocolate that is not overly bitter..the first one I made I had to really sweeten the whipped cream, the second one I used half bittersweet and half milk chocolate and we liked that second one better. put oven rack in center of oven. Preheat to 400. Butter a 9-1/2 inch springform pan and line bottom with a round of parchment.

Cut butter into small pieces and chop the chocolate into small pieces. In large bowl set over hot water,melt the chocolate and butter. Coarsely chop the nuts.

Beat eggs with beaters til a ribbon forms when you lift the beaters.

Fold eggs into the butter and chocolate, then quickly fold in the nuts.

Transfer batter to lined springform pan and bake in preheated oven for 45 min. If cake seems to be getting to dark,drape a piece of foil over it and continue baking til cake begins to feel firm in center.

When cake is cool loosen from sides of pan with knife and remove the springform ring. Invert cake on platter and peel away parchment. Turn onto serving plate..Serve with whipped cream..
Makes one 9-1/2 inch round cake
10-12 servings...
If you're not a macadamia lover pistachios or walnuts work well.

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