Cow Tongue. Bull Balls. Ever tried these delicacies?

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Assistant Cook
Apr 4, 2006
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
These two 'delicacies' are native to the hugely popular Calgary Stampede (which is coming up in a few months). And yes, people eat them both!! This will be my first time attending the Stampede - has anybody tried either of these?
Tongue is standard fare in old style delicatessens. I have eaten a smoked tongue sandwich. It was fine. Not gross at all (except psychologically).
tounge is deliscious! mountain oysters (balls) are too, usually battered and fried...tender and sweet (thus the name) great with favorite hot sauce. Nothing to be afaid's just BEEF
seriously, i would really like to try mountain oysters, but they are very hard to find in my neck of the woods (memphis) but tongue is like the most tender piece of beef i've ever eaten
I will not willingly eat either one, and if I do eat it, and you tell me what it is....GET OUT OF THE WAY
Never heard them called Mountain Oysters before, we usually call them Prairie Oysters here in Alberta. I wouldn't eat them and when I lived in Calgary, and attended Stampede the only folks that WOULD eat them were to liquored up (and generally tourists) to know or care what they were eating.

To play off of the weird beer thread, here, one of the beers that I didn't want to mention was a Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout... :sick: (Yes, they were really in the beer when it was made)

eveenend said:
That's unbelievable. People obviously liked the beer though.

Well, I've yet to see that one come from the brewery as a commercial release.. :ROFLMAO:

As for "liking" the beer, There were definitely some people in the audience that were DISTURBED by the beer, that's for sure!

:) When I worked at a lodge some guys showed up with a bunch of rocky mountain oysters.They fried them up themselves.Well I had a redbone coon hound at the time that used to eat some of the most rotten carcasses he could find like dead beavers,dead elk you name it but when I gave him a raw oyster he promptly spit it out so I gave him one that was deep fried he spit that out as well.
I know at the Calgary Stampede it usually ends up being a 'dare' as to who's willing to eat them...but I'm sure there's got to be a decent recipe out there. I may be willing to try some.....may.:sick:
:sick: All I know is if my coon hound wouldn't eat them there must be some terribly wrong in eating those things.YEECH!
My dad loves tongue. (He eats it in lengua burritos)
But he's not a big fan of balls. I remember he had some in a soup two years ago, he protected me from it though.
Have to agree with Alix...if your going to the stampede dont look for Mountain Oysters, doubt you'll find in Alberta they are Prairie Oysters. If they are awful, chances are they are from an aged bull. You want them from the youngin' wary though, my sources say if you want the good ones ya oughtta attend a nuttin party...but thats just from a redneck, so take it for what it is...... good luck. Hope you enjoy your trip!
there is such a good/wide variety of foods i love..i feel no need to eat sickening crap like that......i've never been bored with the variety of dishes i can choose from that don't involve balls or tongues
well the tonuges ok once you strip it of the taste buds...imagine while your eating it that its tasting you at the same time...hmmmm
I guess all y'alls affeer'd of soft shell crabs too ... or suckin' crawfish ... or going back to ancient Rome, Aepicius' book has a recipe for stuffed spayed sow's womb, and other delicacies. People didn't waste expensive animals...and real cooking is making something delicious out of something originally inedible. No I haven't yet tried the ancient roman recipe. But I like scrapple!
We call them "Bull Fries" here. They are one of our best sellers! Yes, I've tasted...but to me they didn't have much flavor...just lots of breading. We call the pork ones "Mountain Oysters". There are also "Calve Fries"....and there is a name for goat ones too...but I can't think what it is.

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