Dinner Monday, 7-16-2018 ~ Amazon Prime Day

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Cooking Goddess

Chef Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2009
Home again in Ohio!
We don't have Amazon, nor do we have a prime steak. Guess I'll have to select some other choice.

I tripped over a package of corned beef while digging through the freezer, so that is simmering in the slow cooker right now. Just finished up redskin potatoes for salad, which will partner with Reuben sandwiches for supper. Since I just put up that batch of pickles yesterday, we'll crunch and munch our way through a couple of Mr. Claussen's instead.

What's hitting your plate today?
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Pssst Today is Monday 7/16/2018.

I have thin cut chicken breast to use. Not sure at the moment how I will cook it.
Monday dinner *grin*

Now that I've been straightened out about the day of the week, I can post my photo. I'm pretty sure I made the potato salad a bit too creamy. :ermm: Since I used red potatoes, I don't have a lot of hope in the spuds soaking up some of the moisture.


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Looks good, CG. :yum:

I went out to lunch for Chinese and couldn't finish it all, so I brought the rest home and just finished it off. More watermelon and blueberries on the side.
TJ's mini beef tacos, fresh cherries, and a piece of chocolate babka.
I'm pretty sure I made the potato salad a bit too creamy. :ermm: Since I used red potatoes, I don't have a lot of hope in the spuds soaking up some of the moisture.

Silly wabbit... you don't make tater salad the same day you plan to eat it. :rolleyes: :D

I was a complete lazy bum today. I spent half of it in a horizontal position. I am eating some sopressata and cheese on crackers right now. That as much meal preparation as I want to engage in today. :ermm:

The rest of the week I'll be in St Louis, Vegas, and who knows where else. So, not much cooking plans right now.

Silly wabbit... you don't make tater salad the same day you plan to eat it. :rolleyes: :D...
I know that, but I didn't decide until Monday that I was using the corned beef for sandwiches. :LOL: With no other plan for Monday, we had to eat the potato salad in its immature state.

And it's not "lazy bum". It's "conserving my energy for something important". ;)
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