Good Thoughts On Wednesday

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I do hope I'm not too late to wish you and your beloved son every blessing for the imminent surgery and a highly suucessful out come.

I hope it makes your Christmas just the most special ever.
Ya'll are the best! I feel all warm and fuzzy reading all your posts. I wanted you to know that Myles' surgery got bumped til 10 am - I didn't want Uncle Bob getting up at 7 am for no reason! We're busy stuffing him with all his favorite foods tonight until midnight.

I'll bet you're feeding your dear wife some delicious foods today too, Goodweed! I'll be thinking of her tomorrow also. Bless her heart, we don't bounce back as quickly as when we were teenagers but I know you'll be taking wonderful care of her. I'll let ya'll know how it goes and I hope you will too, Goodweed.
Fisher's Mom said:
I wanted you to know that Myles' surgery got bumped til 10 am - I didn't want Uncle Bob getting up at 7 am for no reason!

Uncle Bob gets up at 5:30 A.M. everyday:ermm: Thanks for the heads up on the time however. I will be there..(We all will be there) at 10:00...Just close your eyes while you wait and you will feel it. There will be some on the left, others on the right. Some behind you, some in front of you. All supporting you!!!;)

Take care and drive safely!!
FW and GW of TN praying for both your families. I know the outcome will be great for you. Love and Peace. Dawn T
good thoughts and prayers currently being sent, f-mom.

does he get to keep the titanium rod?:cool:
Thanks for all your support, my friends. Myles' surgery went very well and the bar is out and so far, his chest hasn't collapsed again. In fact, I can't believe how perfect and strong and normal it looks. Far better results than his surgeon ever expected considering the severity of his defect. He's still very groggy as his surgery wasn't done until 4 this afternoon but he's not in any pain. He has a mild pneumo-thorax which is common with this and we hope will resolve itself. It did after his surgery to put the bar in. If all goes well, he may get discharged tomorrow as long as we stay here in Corpus Christi for a day or 2. Thank you all again for being such good friends.

His surgery was late because there were 2 little babies that were born yesterday with terrible heart defects and Myles' surgeon is a pediatric cardio-thorasic surgeon. I was waiting with those families - so young and so scared. It made me profoundly grateful for my healthy children and that my son's issue is now completely fixed.

Goodweed, I'm wondering and waiting to hear how your wife's knee surgery went. I hope she is comfortable and free of pain and that her knee will be as good as new. Please let us know.

buckytom, I have Myles' "hardware" right here and it's amazing to be holding the pieces of metal that made all the difference. When I get home, I'll post pictures.
Any time a child is sick, newborn or 16, it's still just as terrifying. I can't imagine the fright of a surgery for one.
I'm glad everything went alright, let us see that windchime when it's done!
Here's a pic of the bar and the 2 pieces that were used to wire the bar to Myles' ribs. It's hard to believe that this little bar fixed such a huge defect. Again, thanks for all of your healing thoughts and good wishes.


  • bar.JPG
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Oh my goodness, that's scary looking.

Glad things went well for you and Myles. Hope he's feeling great and can enjoy his holiday time off of school.

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