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Assistant Cook
Jan 22, 2006
thought I should introduce myself. I'm Ray from Canada. I'm here because I want to improve my baking and cooking skills. I'm a "health nut" as my friends call me (I'm also a chocoholic), I compete in triathlons and marathons, so I tend to becareful with what's in my food. I made a resolution to start making all my food from scratch for healthier ingredients and better flavor. My first attempt at baking cookies was a disaster. My cookies all spread out and morphed into one giant superthin cookie...:( . I told my friend about it and she loaned me her copy of a book call "Best New Recipe" and told me to read the cookie chapter. I took her advice and as I started reading, I found myself engrossed in the "science" behind making cookies. Armed with this knowledge, I decided to attempt a molasses spice cookie recipe from the book. It turned out perfect! I had many complements from my co-workers. Next I tried a chocolate chip cookie recipe given to me by my sister and again my co-workers complemented me on my "skills". Suddenly I was elevated to "The Cookie Master"...:huh: So here I am...a noobie ready to learn from everyone else and to share my experiences with all.
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Cipher...do you watch Alton Brown? He is the food scientist, after all!
Congrats on wanting to make your own food from scratch! You've come to the right place!

Consider yourself family, and stay awhile!
Hi Ray, a big welcome to DC! You're got lots of company from fellow Canadians here, as well as some of the best folks from every corner of the globe! Congrats on your cookies, it's always cool what foods we each seem to become "known" for :chef:

jkath said:

Cipher...do you watch Alton Brown? He is the food scientist, after all!
Congrats on wanting to make your own food from scratch! You've come to the right place!

Consider yourself family, and stay awhile!

No I haven't seen his show, but I think I'll check it out. Thanks!
mudbug said:
Hiya, Ray, and bienvenue too, in case you're from Quebec. I wanna know how you reconcile being a chocoholic with being a health nut.

Well...chocolate is actually loaded with anti-oxidants which very good for the human body. On top of that my training burns a lot of calories, so I have to consume a lot of food to keep my weight from going too low.

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