Hello From Bulgaria

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Arcana said:
Sorry for the late reply. I was off in another city having a baby:)
Congratulations, boy or girl... I guess a ... girl

... I grew up with a Sicilian Italian grandmother so Italian food is in my blood and is my favorite:) Good thing the ingredients for that are easy to find here;)

My wife is Sicilian/Irish. Since I do most of the cooking I learned how to make pasta, gnocci, etc. She also likes Indian food (from india), and some North American type food. It was the pasta that got me onto this board. I was looking for a pasta maker (Imperia), because I am now making pasta by hand - lasagnia is by far the easiest - and wanted to find out if the hand operated pasta makers are any good.

I'm not really sure what masa harina is since I never had to use it in the USA. I know there is both corn meal and corn flour here but I'm not sure the texture is right for corn tortillas since mine came out so awful.

Masa harina is a corn flour that is made by soaking the dried corn kernal in lime water. This loosens the skin as well as changing the make up of the kernal easier to digest. After the skin is removed it is dried and ground into flour... Hope you found this amusing

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Brian, my baby is a beautiful boy which is exactly what I wanted:) Thanks for the explanation about masa harina. I don't suppose the corn flour here is made that way lol. Hats off to you for making your own pasta. Homemade pasta is excellent and something I am way to lazy to do lol.
Arcana said:
Sorry for the late reply. I was off in another city having a baby:)

urmaniac13, thanks for the welcome. Are you also Italian? I grew up with a Sicilian Italian grandmother so Italian food is in my blood and is my favorite:) Good thing the ingredients for that are easy to find here;)

Ciao again Arcana, and congratulations on your new arrival, you must be very excited!!

I am not an Italian, but have been living in Rome for 3 years now, it is now my adopted home!! My companion Cristiano is a 100% Roman, and he has taught me the 101 of authentic Italian cooking very well. Great that you have some Sicilian in your blood, we love Sicilian food!! Have you inherited some good recipes from your grandma? If you do I am all ears, also any Bulgarian specialties you may have found!!
My Baby is a Beautiful Boy!

Arcana said:
Brian, my baby is a beautiful boy which is exactly what I wanted:) Thanks for the explanation about masa harina. I don't suppose the corn flour here is made that way lol. Hats off to you for making your own pasta. Homemade pasta is excellent and something I am way to lazy to do lol.

I don't know what your supposed to win when you guess the gender and I guess I won't find out.

I happen to be a "make your own" type of guy, mostly because I don't trust commercial enterprises to do it for me. As far as the pasta making goes, I don't make it that often as it is quite a task, but I do make it at least eveytime we have lasagna as the most difficult part of making pasta is the cutting. Lasagna is, what I consider a, double batch and you make about 17 cuts. Not too bad. The smaller pasta's take much cutting so I make them less often.

Plus I must admit I don't have a child at home any more. Just carring a child is lots of work - hope your in good health - never mind making pasta. Although I must admit I love the results. Take care and have fun with your son. May I ask, what's his name.

In friendship and in health

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