Hello from Colorado

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Assistant Cook
Jun 21, 2006
suburban Denver Colorado
I am a newly retired Grandma who loves to cook for friends as well as family. I belong to a cooking group where we try a new theme every month. Many of us make up our recipies or change existing ones. It's lots of fun but also a challenge. I grow my own herbs for use in the summer and then dry them for winter.

I am especially fond of fish and vegetables but always like to try new things. I am newly widowed and find it a challenge to cook for one. Much more fun to invite a friend over to share.

cooking grandma
Welcome. So glad you are joining us. It's a wonderful place to find recipes and get all kinds of help with your questions.
I have a son Dan who moved out to Colorado, to the Denver area in 1985. He loves it out there. I have driven out there by myself many times to visit. What a beautiful place.:rolleyes:
Welcome along. It is a great place for sharing ideas and making friends - albeit 'virtual' friends. I have not been here too long myself and have picked up some great recipes and useful information.
Hi, m. I'm in Colorado, too - about 5 hours away from you in the southwest corner of the state. Welcome to the group :flowers:
Hi & welcome to DC. Glad you will be participating in our lively discussions. Lots of fun, recipes and food talk. Good to know that you are a herb enthusiast like me.

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