I hate zucchini

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Substitute zucchini for carrots when making carrot cake...

Can't you just shred it and freeze it in bags for future use?
Yes, but I still have to come up with some other ways to use it. I don't eat sweets, so baked goods are out and I make my spaghetti sauce "ready to go" so have to remember to add the zucchini. I've brought the dehydrator up and am making zucchini chips this weekend.

Dehydrating Zucchini and Summer Squash (Chips and Shredded)

I prefer to have as much "ready made" stuff instead of raw ingredients in the freezer. Soups, mixed veggie bags, etc.
Here's what I like to make with zucchini:

Yellow squash
Roasted red peppers

All sliced.

Cook in garlic butter. Go ahead and smash some big cloves of garlic, you know you want to. *be careful!*

Keep it on low, covered until squash are to your liking. I stir every 15 minutes. It depends on how big the slices are.
Delicious to poach some fish in. I'm getting so that I have some in the freezer, or else I make more. It freezes well and those garlic cloves get really tender if you're careful not to burn them.

I did that last night and thawed the talapia filets in the garlic butter; seasoned the fish with dill and garlic powder too. I served it with the squash medley plus a side of chop suey. Mmmmmm!
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Here's what I like to make with zucchini:

Yellow squash
Roasted red peppers

All sliced.

Cook in garlic butter. Go ahead and smash some big cloves of garlic, you know you want to. *be careful!*

Keep it on low, covered until squash are to your liking. I stir every 15 minutes. It depends on how big the slices are.
Delicious to poach some fish in. I'm getting so that I have some in the freezer, or else I make more. It freezes well and those garlic cloves get really tender if you're careful not to burn them.

I did that last night and thawed the talapia filets in the garlic butter; seasoned the fish with dill and garlic powder too. I served it with the squash medley plus a side of chop suey. Mmmmmm!

I do about the same thing in a covered frying pan, when the squash is tender I melt some grated cheddar cheese over it. I have also done it with some sausage crumbles added.

I am going to give the fish a try and maybe even a half dozen shrimp tossed into that squash and garlic butter!
I make a zucchini casserole. Before baking I pour the zucchini batter into individual baking dishes, bread crumbs on top, then freeze them.

Later, thaw and bake. Works well for me.
Thanks. I do all kinds of things with fresh zucchini, the problem is that the garden produces enough to feed a small village, so I have zucchini, etc., that either (a) gets eaten fresh, (b) gets ground for the dogs, (c) is given to the chickens, or (d) is frozen and put in one of the nine freezers we have. I'm not talking about a few zucchini here, I am talking about 20-30 every 3-4 days for about 6 weeks. Add that to the tomatoes from 300+ plants, 600 ft rows of sweet corn, 400 ft rows of beans, etc., and you might start to get the picture as to why I need to know what I can do with the frozen stuff. I know what I can make daily with the fresh stuff.
See if this appeals, If you don't want nuts or seeds then add some crispy sliced onion perhaps or some of your supurb dry Ham
Savoury Zucchini Bread Recipes | Ricardo

Thanks, menumaker! I like Ricardo's recipes and that recipe I could see making into biscuits as well! I've filed it for one to try with the grated frozen zucchini (and fresh zucchini).

As I said, I'm not talking about 20-30 zucchini, I'm talking about 120+ zucchini in addition to what I can handle eating fresh, the girls can handle, and the dog! I do not like to pick them after a certain size, the smaller the better, IMO.
Thanks. I do all kinds of things with fresh zucchini, the problem is that the garden produces enough to feed a small village, so I have zucchini, etc., that either (a) gets eaten fresh, (b) gets ground for the dogs, (c) is given to the chickens, or (d) is frozen and put in one of the nine freezers we have. I'm not talking about a few zucchini here, I am talking about 20-30 every 3-4 days for about 6 weeks. Add that to the tomatoes from 300+ plants, 600 ft rows of sweet corn, 400 ft rows of beans, etc., and you might start to get the picture as to why I need to know what I can do with the frozen stuff. I know what I can make daily with the fresh stuff.

Quit planting so much zucchini.
Zuke recipes

I've Sent this along before, but maybe it can be helpful again................



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I realize it is difficult for those who do not have space for gardening to understand that one plants more than one needs to allow for poor germination, pests, deer damage, etc. We grow most of the veggies we eat in the summer and those we use in the winter. We like being as self-sustaining as possible. There are some things I am not fond of (parsnips is another one of my take-it-or-leave-it veggies), the DH is not fond of eggplant, but plants it for me. I am always on the lookout for different things to do with the veggies (especially if the "thing" reduces the time it takes to process something).
It's one thing to have space for "gardening" - our lot is 40x140 feet and we have a fair-size garden. But you have three - correct? - *farms.* That's an entirely different scale from anyone else I know who does not actually farm for a living.

If it was me and DH kept planting more than we could reasonably use, it would go into the compost pile.
Just this week I've received a complaint from my doctor that she has too much zucchini...

Go figure. I'd offer to cook a zucchini casserole and share part with her but I can just hear her now, "Medical ethics prevents me from receiving gifts from patients."

Wow, 100 years ago you paid for your medical treatment by trading goods with your doctor. Now you know what happens when the government gets involved in medical treatment.
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Just this week I've received a complaint from my doctor that she has too much zucchini...

Go figure. I'd offer to cook a zucchini casserole and share part with her but I can just hear her now, "Medical ethics prevents me from receiving gifts from patients."

Wow, 100 years ago you paid for your medical treatment by trading goods with your doctor. Now you know what happens when the government gets involved in medical treatment.
No reason not to offer. It's not payment for medical services, it's payment for zucchini. ;)

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