Instant Kitchen Island

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Senior Cook
Feb 2, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I pampered myself last week by getting a beautiful maple 18"x24" Boos cutting board. Hubby said he'd build me an island to put it on.

Sitting near the family room was my antique Singer sewing cabinet (machine in the attic in a box).

About 20 minutes ago the light bulb in my pea brain went off ... :smartass:

Pure serendipity!

This is the result ...


P.S. To keep the board from sliding around, I put an anti-slip pad between the sewing machine cabinet & the cutting board.

That is great. My parents have the same Singer sitting in their dining room. My son loves to open the drawers and dump the contents out :LOL:

I will have to show them this thread to maybe put this cool idea in their heads.
Necessity is the mother of invention. My Mother had a sewing machine similar to that with the foot pedal.
My MIL has one identical with the sewing machine still hanging upside down under the table. What does she use it for? She has her Elna machine (probably only about 15 - 20 years older than the foot pedal Singer) on top to do her sewing and mending!

I love the look JoMama!
I have a customer who did the same thing two years ago, but a little differently.

Just make sure that you keep the finish on the wood dry. If it is shellac, water can spot it and alcohol will dissolve it. Lacquer will also water spot. If someone has put polyurethane on it, then it is past worrying over.


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I'm amazed you have a rug in the kitchen.

I'm too much of a slob to make that work. A rug in my kitchen would be ruined fairly quickly.
My downstairs kitchen is carpeted wall to wall Andy. Thankfully I hardly ever use that kitchen otherwise the carpet would be disgusting.
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo bummed right now. My family had one of those for years in our tv room. I used to sit and work the peddle over and over and over, drove my mom nuts because it would squeek. My dad wouldn't let me have it when I moved and now we aren't speaking so I don't know if he has it or my brother has it. I would love to do something like this with it but I don't know who's got it. If my dad has it, I don't have a snowball's chance in Hades of getting it. If my brother has it, there may be a chance.

BoardSMITH ~ that is a true work of art.
My downstairs kitchen is carpeted wall to wall Andy. Thankfully I hardly ever use that kitchen otherwise the carpet would be disgusting.

Wow GB, you have ANOTHER kitchen downstairs. Almost important as having EXTRA bathroom! Good for you! Never heard of someone having TWO kitchens! Now I can dream more. You deserve it. Sometime good things happen to good people! You are one of them. Count your blessings.
Wow GB, you have ANOTHER kitchen downstairs. Almost important as having EXTRA bathroom! Good for you! Never heard of someone having TWO kitchens! Now I can dream more. You deserve it. Sometime good things happen to good people! You are one of them. Count your blessings.
My first rental here in Mooresville had two kitchens and the owner put up a wall between the two and made the house into a duplex. When she sold it the new owners took down the wall but left the two kitchens. That was the only time I'd ever seen such a thing. Interesting that GB has two also.
one of my collecting phases was one of treadle sewing machines.....had nine at my high point!:rolleyes:

I will say that the metal bases of those old treadles are perfect for supporting a table top...they have flat brackets at the top with holes to screw in any top to the base...and they are very heavy...would make a very sturdy base

I still have two of an old ugly working White Rotary and the singer treadle from my grandmother, which does not work at present
I have 3 old treadle sewing machines and one treadle base table. And yup the treadles are in working condition.
My first rental here in Mooresville had two kitchens and the owner put up a wall between the two and made the house into a duplex. When she sold it the new owners took down the wall but left the two kitchens. That was the only time I'd ever seen such a thing. Interesting that GB has two also.

I don't even think Martha Stewart has two kitchens! Glad you feel the same way I do Callisto, guess we can always dream. Just looked at a home for sale that was 15'x15' seemed like was more than twice the size of the kitchen I have. You may think I have 'two' kitchens by all the stuff I have to store in the basement plus the fridge and freezer. Up and down, up and down. Better quit complaining at least we have something to eat.

Hope i didn't 'hi= jack' this thread. Just say what comes to my mind. Hope people don't lose it because I say what is on my mind?
That looks sharp! It's great how it goes with the rest of the kitchen, and adds a great conversation piece.
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