Landscape, Seascape or Cityscape?

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Margi Cintrano

Washing Up
Jan 29, 2012
Both in Italy and Spain
Have you ever been asked, if you can read a landscape, seascape or cityscape ?

Land, sea and city scapes are an open book waiting to be read. They all have something to say.

Seascapes are my true passion, and they have alot to speak about ... I love the beat of a multi cultural city with theatre, film, art, & upscale fine dining and those tiny hole in the wall venues featuring multi ethnic cuisines too ... The mountains and hill country have their beauty too especially in the autumn.

What are your´s ?

This is a fine moment, to wish all of you a wonderful August and summer.

Kind regards.
Margaux Cintrano
Mediterranean Photos

Two unique places, to share ...


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I would have to say I'm a wide-open space person. I love to see the crops growing, being harvested, covered with snow in the winter, and then coming back to life in the spring. Farmscapes speak of the cycle of life to me. Sadly, farms are being taken over by urbanization in my area.
Spending time floating, with my face in the clear blue waters of the Caribbean Sea, watching the gorgeous fish and coral.

Though nothing can beat a Midwest sunset over an open field.


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Thank you for your feedback & contribution.

Unfortunately, this has been taking place in The Mediterranean too. Uncountable young people do not want to farm their Grand-parents or parents land.

They want cushy office executive jobs with decent salaries, and many have left the country; especially in Spain ... The population is down to 41.000.000mn. It was almost 45 million two years ago.

The exporting wineries have a better stability picture, as many winemakers & oenologists own wine terriors in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, California, Washington State and Oregon. For example: Miguel Torres.

Yes, it is an unpleasant reality.

Have a lovely August.

I too am a lover of the turquoise blue waters of the Caribbean and its islands, the Adriatic & Aegean, Rivera de Maya, and Ixtapa ...

I had been to Chicago, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Traverse and some of the islands off Michigan ... However, the sunsets and sunrises here in Italia and España are also gorgeous ... A wonder of the world, so to speak.

Thanks for your feedback and contributions.

Have a lovely summer.
Never was much of a city person. I prefer river, swamp, ocean, or mountains, when I can get there.

Merchants Mill Pond

+1 I hear you. Ironically, I live in a city, but am in what is called the "rural" part. I wasn't in the city until the province forced us to amalgamate with the city.
Thank you, Margi! I'm enjoying your lovely pics as as well!

I love them all. Landscapes, cityscapes, seascapes and foodscapes ;)

1) The Grand Canyon
2) The Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, DC
3) The Atlantic-side beach in Barbados
4) Grilled pork with Papas a la Huancaina (Peruvian potatoes with a spicy, creamy sauce)


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I often feel like being holed up in a small mountain cabin away from civilization somewhere in the middle of Montana, for instance. I would require internet access, however.
I get Internet access when I'm at Lake of the Woods (Birch Beach--middle of nowhere, northern MN) using my Mi-Fi. Mind you, not every day, but if I were to live there, I would be able to get more reliable Internet. Not about to happen, but...
Even though I spent more than half my life as a city dweller in Washington, DC, my roots and heart are in the country. I love the denseness of all the trees and other vegetation, along with the assorted wildlife that call that area home.

One of my most treasured parts of our way of life is the peacefulness and solitude that blankets us when night falls. And the night sky...ahhhh, what a thing of beauty! Especially when the moon is full. I dearly love the soft blue light the moon washes everything in when it is full.

When I lived in the city, night was never dark. There was always the "glow" of the city lights. As for peace and solitude, that was broken on a regular basis by the Medivac helicopter flying over doing its job.

I much prefer "visiting" the city and, then, "living in the woods with the bears." No bears here, though, just coyotes and a few wildcats.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.:)

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