Lifter's Chicken

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Washing Up
Jun 26, 2004
Since most cooking success is based on very simple techniques or tricks, and I'm a believer in "less is more", you guys might want to give this recipe a try...its a weekday one at our house, where, before the last fledgling flew the nest, I had to get home from work and knock off a dinner in an hour or less...

However many skinned, boneless chicken breasts your crowd will go through at a sitting, washed...

(I grant you could do this the night before and marinate them in the fridge in herb/garlic, olive oil/soya/lemon, lemon/pepper mixes, but being real, I'm usually happy enough that they are thawed!)

Rub the breasts with ClubHouse BBQ Chicken Spice

Wind thick slices of (ideally Mitchell's) bacon (from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)( but any good quality thick sliced bacon will do...double smoked would be best) aroiund the meat, securing with toothpicks, and put on a broiler pan...

Insert to oven at 400, for 35 minutes...

Remove, discard bacon and toothpicks....

This should have good rub flavours, be basted in the pork fat (thanks, Emeril, you are right about a number of things) as well as being both juicy and tender, brainless and quick...

In 35 minutes, I can get a heck of a lot of other things cleared up or lined up for feeding, and still allow all to meet their timelines for evening activities...
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