Our pets

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I already posted a picture of the two sisters who adopted me at Rescue Village. Sadie and Celia--Sadie is beige, black and white and Celia is beige and white. They are my furbabies.
This is my 11 year old Australian cattledog named Skidder. The first picture is him on his bed at my parents. The second is him doing his favorite thing which is hiding in the curtain in the kitchen. He will sit between the sliding glass door and curtain watching all the comings and goings in our neighborhood. He is my best buddy and is currently sleeping on the couch on his blanket.


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How cute SC!!! I like the one where he peeking out from under the table cloth!!!
Ba-rooooooo! Great dogs, pancho! I like that "grimacy" expression chicken has. Is his name chicken? We found a lost chihuahuahaha, named him Nacho. But he ended up with the people up the street, who call him Little Man. I like chicken or nacho better, LOL.

thanks GF ! yeah his name is chicken... it was because at first he was afraid of everything... especially the big dog.... its become sort of a misnomer though because now he is a little badass instigator...he will always go for the biggest dog at the dog park,, he sort of looks like a chicken too though.... I found him with a pomeranian I called poof but my neighbor named him buddy.. he is a beautiful dog but 3 was too many... i did not mean to keep him so the name was not meant to stick but it did. Nacho is an excelllent name for a chihuahua

I realized looking through this thread I posted them before.. didnt remember oh well
I don't have a dog or a cat!:mad:

But..............Here is a photo of my little girl.

My sweet baby Lady Ashen!


She will be 9 years old on May 1st. Ashen is a registered purebred arabian mare.

Now for the horrible photos I took with my cell phone.



She is just so smart! The girl with her in the photo was riding Ashen one day, so I decided to show some friends Ashen's birthday presents one year. I had hid them in the car. Well, I was displaying the gifts and who did appear peeking over the heads of the crowd? Ashen!:LOL:

She is a nosey little girl. When I go in the tack room, she will peek through a 3 or 4 inch crack in the wall to see what I'm doing.

She loves kids and lets all of the kiddies groom her, wash her, etc. and stands patiently while they scurry around her legs and such. She gives them rides on a lead, and they all think they are riding for real.

Ashen is real vain too! She loves fancy tack, and she struts around with her tail up to show off. Here is a photo of her latest acquisitions.


And I had better not pay attention to another horse while she is around!:ermm: Ashen doesn't get mad at me......she will bite the other horse until I start paying attention to her! She owns me, not the other way around. My job is to serve.:angel:
Don't tell Ashen, she is already vain enough! But thank you I love her to pieces.
Cute puppy leodlady... kinda big for a Lab though... maybe she has some Dane in her?

Actually, you are not far off!:ROFLMAO:

My next animal who will adopt me will be a black with white markings male Great Dane!

I think Ashen and the Dane will look so cute together. Don't you?:angel:
Here are my two current dogs: Princess is white, we think part Chihuahua and part minature Fox Hound. Lassy is the Beagle, we picked her cause we loved her eyes (well actually they picked us, weird how they do that). In fact, I think all of our dogs picked us. We would go to look at them, and one would always approach us out of the pack and almost instantly start bonding.
The last one is Ophelia, my Springer Spaniel, she passed away last year after only 14 years with her. She was special, where I went she went and would never leave my side (including in the bathroom!). The most loyal dog I have ever owned, and I wasn't supposed to own her! The breeder made a mistake and delivered her even though the wife had already picked a Cocker Spaniel and we had canceled the order for the Springer Spaniel. I went to see her anyway, and the store owner was concerned as she was cowering in the back of the cage and would not respond to anyone. I opened the cage and she lept into my arms like she had been waiting for me, even gave me a stern "what took you so long?" look.
True story.

Adorable Mav
It's been a busy eventful morning (shh, she just stopped crying and went to sleep :angel:)
Here's a few pics of my new girl, Kimber :)
Everybody is being most uncooperative for group photos, especially Petra, who wants nothing to do with her :ermm: And Pierce has the foaming mouth thing going on. Poor guy, I knew it would rock his world :( especially with him knowing she got lunch and he didn't :LOL: But things will settle in soon.


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Awwww ... very cute pics of your babies !!!!

It will not take long and they will be best buddies.

Congrats on your new addition !!!
Thanks. She's something else. I've never seen an 8 wk old so agile with stairs and so bold.
Gee, I just noticed the original link is broken. What a shame :(
I wonder if someone said it was too many pages :wacko:

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