Our pets

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I have a bunch of fish and three cats, but my baby is a 17 week old American bulldog mix named Nami. This is her. :)


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Nami is adorable! As is Tetley the Wonderhorse!

(And all the other wonderful pets).
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I love your non-pet raccoons, rr. It's almost as if they were posing for portrait pictures.

Actually, they're looking for food. :LOL: Mama and all the younger kits would eat from my hand. I didn't trust Shy too much, as she was half grown when I got to know her and hadn't been taught not to bite down on fingers. It's far easier to teach the kits not to bite down if they are still nursing.

I really enjoyed those pictures of those coons RR and how you named them all.

It's no doubt how adorable they look but I have another story about two of the varmints in my yard spending their honeymoon shortly after I was widowed and living alone.

I lived smack in the middle of a neighborhood, and our entire yard, both front and back was surrounded by a six foot block wall fence. There was a courtyard inside the front doors with a large spa. I noticed some odd shaped animal tracks around the edge of the spa. That night all hell broke loose with their spa party. The next morning they were having Mimosa's in my orange tree, and breaking branches in my huge patio tree doing their thing! They were both huge, much bigger than the ones pictured.That went on for days. They scared the heck out of me being newly alone and I was sure glad when they left before the babies came.

I think they have to learn aggression from their parents. I adopted a stray cat for a while and he'd jump right into the middle of the raccoons. The kits would scatter, but their mothers would just ignore the cat.

Now in Seattle, the raccoons there are really fierce. They're really a problem on that side of the water because they're always so hungry. They pack up in groups of 20 or more and have been known to attack cats, small dogs, and people. I'd be afraid of the raccoons over there.

I love seeing the pictures of the animals here! Tetley looks like a big horse. How many hands is he?
Love the pet pics! Mad, Tetley is a beauty and you're lookin' good yourself. :)

xshainax, welcome and thanks for sharing your pics of Nami. She's sooo cute!

RR...love the raccoon pics. :LOL:
Dang, I'm such a sap. A HS friend had to put her 17 year old cat down due to cancer. I can't stop crying, even though I've never even met the cat.
Dang, I'm such a sap. A HS friend had to put her 17 year old cat down due to cancer. I can't stop crying, even though I've never even met the cat.

I have been worried about Beagle all day and I haven't met him either. It happens to those of us who are animal lovers. I get so upset when I see Dr. Po have to put someone's pet down. :angel:
I have been worried about Beagle all day and I haven't met him either. It happens to those of us who are animal lovers. I get so upset when I see Dr. Po have to put someone's pet down. :angel:

Thanks Addie. Beagle should be fine. She's old, but feisty, like we are! All the big male dogs in the neighborhood are terrified of my little 22 pound monster. Unless she knew them from puppyhood, she bullies them mercilessly.
I had a great fear today that I had been "gifted" with a flea and tick ridden, old, neurotic Pomeranian. I was wrong. The owner called me on my cell almost 2 hrs after I close. I had called her several times and left messages and never heard back.

I told her about the fleas and ticks and told her that I'd left a card on the counter that said she needed Nexgard for the poor little thing. I told her that I'd set the dog up in a large cage with food and water. I told her where the secret key was hidden and to leave her check on the counter, take the dog, and lock back up. I can get away with doing that in this one horse town.

I have 8 dogs already and they are all getting old. I never turn down a dog sent to me by fate but I thanked God that I wasn't gifted with on old neurotic Pom.
She goes in tomorrow morning. No food after 8 pm tonight, which will perplex her tomorrow after her morning walk, but in at 8 am, then they will extract the broken tooth and dig out the subcutaneous tumor. It's about the size of a large grape, but firm, not squishy as fatty lipomas usually are. It doesn't sound like the vets are too concerned.

I have no idea how she broke her canine tooth.
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She goes in tomorrow morning. No food after 8 pm tonight, which will perplex her tomorrow after her morning walk, but in at 8 am, then they will extract the broken tooth and dig out the subcutaneous tumor. It's about the size of a large grape, but firm, not squishy, as fatty lipomas usually are. It doesn't sound like the vets are too concerned.

I have no idea how she broke her canine tooth.
Getting her teeth cleaned while she is under?
Yes. I should have waited to get her nails clipped, they do it for free when she's under, but I paid for it yesterday, not knowing she was going to have surgery.
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