Our pets

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I can see this becoming a "What weird things our pets do" thread. Keep'em coming!

My mother used to accuse us kids of eating the grapes just off the front of the bunch. She hated seeing stubs left. "Take a small bunch and eat them" she would admonish, then you can throw out the entire stem and not leave an ugly stub! I cut them up on purpose for you.

She had them on a shelf just for us to reach but it turned out it was the dog... walking past and taking just one grape at a time.
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A female friend's neutered tomcat had a thing about her knickers and would steal them out of the laundry basket!

The 3 kittens my dad's cat had when I stayed with him would do that with mine (2 became our Mork and Mindy). Unfortunately, they dragged a pair into the living room and stashed them underneath a chair the night before a bunch of people came to his and stepmom's house. An aunt spied them and just had to pull them out and ask whose they were in a loud voice in front of everybody....
Lance, thank you for your condolences and Lana is adorable! By the way, most cats are fickle...they just don't want you to know it! ;)

I know it hasn't been long since we lost our dear sweet Violet, and we will never be able to replace her, but I found that health-wise I really need a dog. It gets me out and walking, going to the dog park gets me socializing and having to deal with the responsibilities of having a pet give me something more to think about than my own health. So, we started looking and ended up at the Seattle airport last Friday to pick up a five-month-old puppy we rescued from Mexico.

She came to us as "Cupcake" and many of you who know me well will get the humour in that one right away. But after calling her that and referring to her as that to others for a day we realized it just wasn't a dog name. So she is now called "Miley". Miley is (we are pretty sure) a Jack Russell/Whippet cross and will get to about 40 - 50 pounds.

She was one of a litter of 6 who were left in a garbage bag on the side of the road just outside of Puerto Vallarta. Thankfully a volunteer from the shelter was driving by and saw the bag. It was dark but he was sure it was moving. He checked it out and found the pups. The next day he took them to the shelter and they were able to take them in. All six survived and have now all been adopted in the Seattle/Vancouver areas. We are in touch with her brother's family and it is great to email things back and forth. We are going to try and get them together as well.

Miley is super shy but has really bonded with TB and I. At the dog park the other day I went outside the gate to throw out some garbage and she went up to the fence and watched my every step. When I came back in I got a greeting like I had been gone for a week!

We are having some behavior issues like using paws and teeth and there have been a few "accidents" but considering her background we would be surprised if there weren't a few things. She isn't good with big dogs and is really cold as this is a totally different climate than she is used to. But she came with a jacket! :)

I will have to upload the pictures separately because I just realized they are on my phone.
We have a Miley too, but ours is a boy dog, named after the settlement where we lived in the Bahamas. He has a gimpy front leg right now - no idea what he did to hurt himself, but the way he jumps around with total abandon, it isn't surprising. The vet can't find any structural damage, so we'll wait a week and see if anti-inflamatory medication helps.

Here he is in his favorite napping position:

When our granddaughter arrived last March to stay with us for a while, she came accompanied by her chihuahua, Pico. Pico is a combination of a long hair and short hair chihuahua.

If you look up 'lap dog' in the dictionary you should see his face. He's happiest when he's on a human. He's particularly crazy for my SO. I fall into third place in the hierarchy after SO and GD.


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Saying good bye to my little girl today.
I've made the arrangements yesterday.

Her health and attitude has diminished this past week.
I'd rather she go with love and dignity than miserably in pain.

Our Golden Retriever is in for a heart break today.
Sophie was his girl. He just loved her to to no end.:wub:

On the bright side I had many years (13) of happy memories and adventures with her. Like me she could be naughty and nice.
Sassy and classy.Very protective and motherly.
Were moody, ok?
She has definitely been MY girl.:wub:

Keep her in your heart and hopefully in photos to keep the memories fresh. Every time I hear a story like this of the loss of a pet friend, I give my puppy a hug. Miley is here in my study right now, lying in his bed watching my every move (he has 4 beds - 3 on the main floor and one in the basement next to my wife's craft desk).
Can't say much right now.The pangs of her not being here beside me started to hurt last night while I was making dinner.The routine of things are off.

She did go the way I had hoped.No pain.

Had I waited and called today it would have been an emergency put down.
Her Kidney's were acting up again.I couldn't put her through the long drives again for treatment.She let us know she was ready.

So she left us giving us kisses wrapped up in her favorite knitted blanket I had made just for her.It was quick as she quietly fell asleep in my arms. :wub:

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