Pimento Cheese

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 16, 2008
New Orleans, LA
One of the very best things is it's versatility. The basis is Cheddar. Different Cheddars make different flavors.

The one I've been using lately is Colby/Jack. I started adding Parmesan for the bite/kick, and softened cream cheese plus any fancy cheeses I happened to have on hand.

Add a jar of diced pimentos and juices (get all that flavor in there. I don't care what anybody says, it's ALL good.

Mix up with some plain old mayo and you're set.

Eat on homemade bread, or a multi grain bread or rye or toasted English muffin. Or how about warmed up as a quesadilly. YUM!

Heat up a can of cream of celery, asparagus, or chicken soup, and melt some pimento cheese in (yes, mayo and all) for a yummy cheese sauce. Add a little salsa, cayenne or nutmeg.

I'm going to make a Pimento Cheese quiche for dinner tonight with a biscuit crust.

But first I've got to make the Pimento Cheese:LOL:
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Pimento cheese burger - yum!
Pimento cheese made with roasted japs as well as pimento - yum!
Pimento cheese BLTs - yum
Pimento cheese on a spoon - yum!
Thanks for your ingredients. I'll have to give this a try. I have everything but the pimentos which I can pick up next time I'm out.
I've had pimento cheese once...a pre-made one from the store and it was horrible.

Convince me it is good...:ermm:
a juicy lucy is a burger stuffed with cheese.

i've liked almost every cheese i've ever tried, including neighbors' ethnic versions made in their garages and basements, so i'd love to try a fresh pimiento cheese.

thanks zhi. :chef:
a juicy lucy is a burger stuffed with cheese.

i've liked almost every cheese i've ever tried, including neighbors' ethnic versions made in their garages and basements, so i'd love to try a fresh pimiento cheese.

thanks zhi. :chef:
You're welcome. You can have fun with this. Asiago instead of Parm had a real bite to it.
The Pimento Cheese I made last night had half Colby/Jack and half Swiss because I got lazy and didn't want to open another package of Colby/Jack.

I also used a half package of soft cream cheese and a 1/4C of grated Parm (3 cheese)

Because of the Swiss it wasn't especially good on HiHo crackers, but it will melt beautifully in the Quiche, then I'll add more Colby/Jack to whatever's left.


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I almost forgot about adding to scrambled eggs. That was divine.

Now MaMa, you've done wrecked my dinner plans. I can make one of those. I just thawed out a pound of hamburger and it's sitting next to the Pimento Cheese in the fridge. I've gotta do it. Later, though, I'm not hungry enough yet.

Thanks, though, it'll be a great dinner, and I can make the Pimento Cheese Quiche anytime.

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