Prayers Needed For Dave Hutchins

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It's good to see you back Dave. We are still praying for you and hope you are through being poked and prodded very soon.

I hope you don't mind, I removed your address from your post. You just never know who might see it and act irresponsibly (not our friends on here, but anyone with a computer has access to it). Even though it is a pain in the neck, I hope you don't mind if people PM you for it. Or you could pick someone you trust and have them take the PM requests for your address.

Get better soon!

Hi Gramps,
so good to see you here...Terry, Susan and I all have His address just PM one of us and we will get it to you.
Take cae Gramps, we love you
cj aka Ma
I'm so glad to see you back on here!I'm sorry you had to go through the needle again. I will keep you in my prayers!!
Thank you one and all for the prayers, good wishes. I am not out of the woods yet, by a long shot. They messed up my Bone Marrow test and had to go after the left side of my Pelvic. Which hurt so bad I screamed. As soon as my results came back they started on Cemo not much fun either.

Sometimes SCREAMING may be the ONLY way to help when pain is so strong! Good for you to give it all you got. I have always, always heard that Bone Marrow tests are tough. Just sorry you had to experience this. My hope is that it will bring positive results. Keep up your prayers and your faith. So many are supporting you at this critical time; I would certainly consider it a true blessing to know so many are thinking of you.

Thanks for your personal comments. You can be sure we feel relieved to hear from you. I do appreciate all who have kept in touch with you and let us know how you were doing.
Dave, I'm sorry you're have to go through all this medical stuff, but hopefully the doctors will get you straightened out pretty soon.
In the meantime, here's a little something for you.


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so good to see you on here, Dave! Prayers are continuing for restoration of your good health, as well as your well being.

Now you make sure and EAT! We're going to be keeping watch and making sure you take care of yourself. ;)
Thank you one and all for the prayers, good wishes. I am not out of the woods yet, by a long shot. They messed up my Bone Marrow test and had to go after the left side of my Pelvic. Which hurt so bad I screamed. As soon as my results came back they started on Cemo not much fun either.

glad you are back, pain is no fun. hope there is no more.

all the best
Thank you one and all for the prayers, good wishes. I am not out of the woods yet, by a long shot. They messed up my Bone Marrow test and had to go after the left side of my Pelvic. Which hurt so bad I screamed. As soon as my results came back they started on Cemo not much fun either.
:):) Glad you are back, Did you get my card and any others from here?
I'm sorry that you you have to have tests that are painful, hopefully that was the worst of it. Take care Dave and I'm glad you out of the hospital and back online.
Thanks so much for checking in with us, Dave. We have all been worried about you and praying for you. It's great to actually hear from you once again! Ah, I'm so sorry about the bone marrow aspiration - OUCH. I hope you have some good news soon - at least your computer is up and running and you can stay in touch. Here's a tip: when I had chemo, the only thing that tasted good was a "frosty" from Wendy's. I know it's not the healthiest thing you can have, but if tastes good going down (and doesn't come back up) then who cares?

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