Screen names and Avatars

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Jeeks - While questions ar being asked - Is I can has cheeze burger your site?
Either way, I'm surprised my "Marie Catoinette" lolcat made it to the front page!

"Dr. Thunder" is the Wal-Mart brand of spicy cherry soda. In high school my friends and I determined it was far better than Dr. Pepper, and it became the trombone section's drink of choice. I grew attached to the color of the labels which was the same as my GMC Safari, which we later dubbed "ThunderVan".

When I signed up for AIM in 1999 or 2000, "DrThunder" was already taken, so I used my favorite number, eight, onto the end...only to find "DrThunder8" was also taken. DrThunder88 was one of the suggested alternatives and I stuck to it.

My avatar is the Robot Devil from Futurama, one of my favorite shows of all time. I've used it since 2001 when I joined a Futurama message board, and it's been my avatar at every message board I've gone to since then. I don't know why exactly I picked it. I frequently am as sardonic as the facial expression indicates, though.
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I didn't post an avatar as when I was a mod on another site, I found all the avatars used up my internet account too much cos I had a lot of uploading to do. (By not showing them I saved big $$.) So when I joined this site, I just didn't bother. As the uploading is no longer a problem, when I eventually unpack my digital camera that I got a couple of Christmasses ago, I might put up a photo of my cat(s) - if they sit still (facing front) long enough. Most of the photos I have of any of my cats indicate their views on photography!! ;-)

As to the moniker, as I was joining an overseas site, I wanted a name that was very much Australian, which a Bilby is - it is a native marsupial which we now use instead of the rabbit at Easter (Easter Bilbies). It didn't occur to me that people would assume I was male but when that did happen, I didn't worry about it cos I thought that was possibly a good thing!

Whoa! You've educated me, Bilby. So much to have stuffed in my head for trivia purposes.

Can't wait to see your kitty avatar. I loooooove kitties.:LOL:
This is a photo of a tray of chocolate Easter Bilbies.

Katie E, I will see how I go with the camera. I moved it onto the table a feww months ago to encourage me to open the box but still it sits there...:ermm: [And what can I tell you, I'm a generous person - I share the useless info I have!!;)]


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This is interesting! I've often wondered too, how people come up with their usernames. Mine isn't very original or creative... it's just the name of my cooking blog and my avatar is a piece of some cheesecake that was to die for. The extra little 'blob' on the plate is a mini piece of cheesecake from my daughter's mini springform pan.
This is a photo of a tray of chocolate Easter Bilbies.

Katie E, I will see how I go with the camera. I moved it onto the table a feww months ago to encourage me to open the box but still it sits there...:ermm: [And what can I tell you, I'm a generous person - I share the useless info I have!!;)]

These are way cuter than our Easter Bunnies :LOL:
Nancy Jane because that is my name. I've never liked it. I've always wanted to change it to Anastasia. My mother's name was Antonia. I always loved her name. Well, my BF finally convinced me to tell him my middle name and now he always calls me Nancy Jane. It's growing on me. Sort of Victorian and sort of, I don't know, lady-like? Maybe I'm finally growing into it.:LOL:
Nancy Jane because that is my name. I've never liked it. I've always wanted to change it to Anastasia. My mother's name was Antonia. I always loved her name. Well, my BF finally convinced me to tell him my middle name and now he always calls me Nancy Jane. It's growing on me. Sort of Victorian and sort of, I don't know, lady-like? Maybe I'm finally growing into it.:LOL:
My daughter's name is Nancy Jean. Every once in awhile, as she grew up, I would call her Nancy Jeanie Beanie. It drove her nuts of course. Then a few years ago I received an invitation from a birthday reminder site from Nancy, but she had listed her first name as Nancy Jeanie and her last name as Jeanie Beanie. So now every September I get a reminder that it is almost Nancy Jeanie Jeanie Beanie's birthday!

DrThunder, you mentioned why you have the 88 on your name. Several years ago, before James and I married, I had an Excite email account. I was able to choose my user name, but they automatically added a number, so I became BarbaraP18. I sometimes used chat back then, and I was extremely popular with all the guys--until they found out I wasn't really 18!

Mine was my C.B. handle. I had a big silver pickup truck and it had some real power - hence-


Mine is my name and the abbreviation for where I live. The picture is Ali (pronounced ahlee) one of our 5 wonderful dogs!
Quicksilver, I figured you for a skateboarder. I think quicksilver was/is a brand.

No idea you Aussies replaced the Easter Bunny with a Bilby. Interesting. You guys do have rabbits don't you? I'm not really sure.
My user name is from High School, A teacher actually gave it to me when a friend and I were always together he called me mikki and her maude. Plus its also a knickname for my real name Michele. My other user name is sweetthing, given to me by co-workers at my last job. I only use that one if I can't use Mikki because I'm sure it would get some comments if you know what I mean.
My avatar is of my girls at oldests graduation and the only recent picture of them where they loke like they actually like each other.
Ronjohn is a nickname I picked up playing ice hockey over the years. The Bender avatar came about since I liked the show and... well, I'm usually good for a 'bender' or two every so often. :angel:
Ok, nothing special about the correlation between my screen name and avatar. I just change it every now and then. Currently, the photo is of my Chihuahua boy Binks. He is on a counter at a hotel we stayed at in Port Aransas... I found a tick on him and I freaked, he seemed pretty cool about it, that is how he rolls! As for my name, Sattie is a nick name I picked up at work. My real name is Satin. Folks struggle with my name and I get called all kinds of crap.... Stain, Satan, Sadin... Sattie seem to help folks cope.

Blah blah blah!!!
hmmm not really sure sort of just picked a username on the fly. Hambre (Spanish for hungry) one of my favorite spanish words and Pancho is a hot dog. I think I picked a spanish user name because I really love to cook and eat Mexican food even though my heritage is Anglo-Italian cant really remember exactly what I was thinking at the time.

My Avatar is a Pyrex measuring cup... I collect vintage Pyrex and also it is just one of those classic kitchen icons. I will probably switch it out soon.

Interesting to see what inspired others.
My Avatar is a Pyrex measuring cup... I collect vintage Pyrex and also it is just one of those classic kitchen icons. I will probably switch it out soon.

Hey Pancho, you might be interested in one of my measuring cups. It is pyrex and was my mother's as long as I can remember. It is a one cup and much better than any of the newer ones I have. If I can find batteries for my energy-eating camera I will gladly take a picture for you!
I made my name up. It was originally a name for one of my Neopets (a pet website)

I liked it and it stuck.

My pic.. is well.. ME!

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