Shane c. from Arkansas

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Assistant Cook
Aug 4, 2012
Long story short, I have acid reflux. And if it wasnt for me growing up in the kitchen, the wife and I would starve, or most likely Id starve.

With the recent lower household lower income & my acid reflux, Im having to relearn how to make alot with just a few whole food ingredients, and from total scratch.....

About the only thing I keep in the refrigerator, eggs, mayo, ketchup and cheese.

Im really wanting to relearn and learn alot more about my cooking, and love cooking, but I'm a somewhat Noob baker..........

A little help here:

Shane C.
i can't make pastry,can't bake & flour & i don't get on so,i'm afraid i can't help with the baking but there are loads of people on here that can & will help you shane!
welcome to dc from manchester uk
with acid reflux, and a lower income, have you thought about over the counter, inexpensive aids to help your GERD? There is a WHOLE world of foods out there, just waiting, all that is separating you is a $9 box of prilosec. That would open your options up, and give you a change from all the norm. Reflux isn't a rare issue, nor is it incurable. I speak from experience, first hand. After 1 day of pills, I slept better than I had in a long time, could actually get flat, can eat a lot of the foods that would originally do a number on me, fruits, veggies are easily handled, and even most dairy is good to go so long as I don't over do it. It's well spent $, even when on a budget. You can't put a price on quality of life, OR especially, the quality of eating.

Welcome to DC.
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You can learn to eat well on less income with GERD. Steamed veggies are great and cause no problem. Low fat dairy products can also be tolerated. There is fat in whole dairy products. And fats can cause all sorts of problems. There are OTC products like Tatt mentioned for GERD. If you can't afford the brand names, then go for the generic or house brands of similar products.

Broil or roasting meats rather than reaching for the fryinig pan is a learning process. You have to turn your eating and cooking habits around. Eat more veggies than meats. Chicken and fish or seafood is a good place to start. Hot dogs, cold cuts and other prepared meats are high is seasonings and can bring on an attack of GERD. Stay away from highly seasoned or hot foods. There are plenty of other herbs and spices that are mild but flavorful. Get familiear with them. It is time to give yourself some cooking lessons. You need to cook from scratch. And if you get stuck you can always come here to DC. Welcome to our little fun place.
Sorry, but I still crack up, can't say GERD without thinking of ermahgerd girl, lol


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