Skyline Chili

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Justaguy said:
I have a version of cincinnati chili from Cooks Illustrated that I've always wanted to try that looks really good. It doesn't have the overnight approach, I just haven't tried it yet.
If you haven't figured out yet I'm a big CI reader.

Have you posted it? Would love to see it.
DavidT. said:
Going to try it again, just going to leave the ground cloves out, but hey, that's us.

Thanks for the recipe!! I think it's a damn good starter recipe.

I thought the same thing.....I just made a batch last night and thought the cloves made it a little sweet..... I cant wait to re-try it today after it comes out the fridge.
Hey John thanks for that recipe. I made it Sunday night and had a littlebit. I thought it was a little clove sweet. But the second day it really mellowed out on that, and all flavors really blended & kicked in alot more. It was outstanding on chili dogs. I'd like to try it again with some ceranos and spices.. overall id give it an 8 in taste for the first cook.....I thought it was ga -oooooo-ooooood! :!: :D

I didnt get the layer of grease at the top? Is that cause I let it cool b-4 refridgerating?

oh ya and your pics look identical to mine. or mine to yours...but the wife did her salsa again....I got to add the japs!
Not tryin to jack the thread just want ed to share. ;)
Hey DB! Don't worry about jacking the thread, show the pics. Next time I'm going to leave out the cloves & cinnamon and add a little more chili powder, cayenne, and perhaps some hot sauce.
We're having chili tonight but I know it aint gonna taste nothin like your chili looks. Damn boy I could eat that whole pot myself and share with the wife later ifin you know what I mean....phhhhhht

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