Thursday 2/2/2017 What's on the plate mate?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
2 raw leg quarters and a breast can be cooked. Leftover Chicken soup, chili (can be heated) and egg salad in fridge. Everyone on their own tonight.
I drove down the shore to visit my mom today. She's almost blind in one eye, and is losing site in the other so my siblings and I are trying to get down to visit her as much as possible to help her out. (She refuses professional help of any kind).

So, while I had planned on fixing a few things around the house, then cooking up a storm for her to put away for future meals, all she wanted was takeout Chinese food.

Dinner tonight is yat gaw mein soup, pork fried rice, pork chow mein, and shrimp with snow peas.

I ordered large sizes of everything so at least she'll have leftovers for tomorrow or Saturday.

It's so hard being in that house without my dad there. We almost always ordered Chinese takeout when we visited them.
Tonight I'm having Bamia, which is an Okra and Beef stew with its origins in the Middle East. That and Gumbo are probably the only two things I eat that contain okra.
Marinated steak tips on the grill, baked sweet potatoes, roasted brussel sprouts. If you don't know what steak tips are, then you probably aren't fortunate enough to live in New England, home of the future Super Bowl LI champions New England Patriots. :) Steak tips are known elsewhere as flap meat.
Oxtail ragu with semolina gnocchi out of the February Bon Appetit. It was REALLY good. Though I did have to add extra liquid so the grease would float, there was a lot of fat in there. After it was refrigerated overnight, I took off the fat layer and then cooked it back down and added the meat back in.

I drove down the shore to visit my mom today. She's almost blind in one eye, and is losing site in the other so my siblings and I are trying to get down to visit her as much as possible to help her out. (She refuses professional help of any kind).

So, while I had planned on fixing a few things around the house, then cooking up a storm for her to put away for future meals, all she wanted was takeout Chinese food.

Dinner tonight is yat gaw mein soup, pork fried rice, pork chow mein, and shrimp with snow peas.

I ordered large sizes of everything so at least she'll have leftovers for tomorrow or Saturday.

It's so hard being in that house without my dad there. We almost always ordered Chinese takeout when we visited them.
Tough mom was stubborn, too, but that was one reason I loved her. Looks like I turned out just like her...I even bought her house and am sitting in a chair in the same spot she sat in...:LOL:. Family....
Thinking leftover spaghetti with mushroom marinara sauce. Again.

Daggnabit, I need to do something with that head of romaine.
Tough mom was stubborn, too, but that was one reason I loved her. Looks like I turned out just like her...I even bought her house and am sitting in a chair in the same spot she sat in...:LOL:. Family....

Lol about the chair. I couldn't bring myself to sit in my dad's chair today.
I grabbed several nice pork shoulder roasts yesterday, on sale at .79/lb. :ohmy: Just couldn't pass them up at that price. Got up early and started the slow roasting process for 2 of them, carved them up, made gravy from the drippin's, and took a good amount over to my elderly neighbors along with some mashed 'taters. :)

I saved some pork slices and mashed 'taters for me for dinner tonight, along with some steamed broccoli. Mint chocolate chip ice cream a little later. :yum:
Tough mom was stubborn, too, but that was one reason I loved her. Looks like I turned out just like her...I even bought her house and am sitting in a chair in the same spot she sat in...:LOL:. Family....

:LOL: Same here, Rock. I feel comfort from the same places my folks felt recliner, but in the same place by the big picture window that my folks loved so much.

Bucky...I'm so sorry for your loss, it's sure a tough one. It takes a while. :wub:
I'm doing some Italian influenced stuffed green bell peppers, and the SC is making our glorified green salads.

The peppers are done on the half shell after being blistered whole on the stove know the drill. I left out that step once, and I'll never do that again.
I stuffed the halves with a combo of gr beef, along with both hot and sweet Italian sausage, sliced black olives, mozzarella cubes and seasonings. Topped them with a quick marinara sauce and sprinkled with Parm cheese.
...Daggnabit, I need to do something with that head of romaine.
Try this soup: Chickpea and Romaine Soup with Golden Vermicelli It's wonderful on a cold day!

I've made it with romaine, Swiss chard, and spinach. We like the romaine best, but will use any tired greens if they need to go. If you do make it, watch the pasta like a hawk when you brown it. It goes from "almost" to "oops" in the blink of an eye!

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