Today's dinner, Oct 11th

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Chef Extraordinaire
Feb 11, 2007
My plans today are to cook some food!
I plan on making Sophie's Lazy Golumpki, courtesy DaveSoMD's recipe he posted a while back. And also some grilled chicken thighs ala Goodweed's sriracha marinade. I might even try to whip up some coleslaw made from scratch rather than a bag ;)
I am hungry! :pig:

And you???
Wow - your dinner sounds awesome. I'm just picking up a lamb curry and a mango lassie from my local Indian restaurant. I'm home alone this weekend, so I decided to take the night off and not cook.
I took last night off, Toots, which is why I'm making a lot tonight. The lazy golumpki is really for tomorrow, but I'm sure I'll "try some" tonight.
Giant ham, scalloped potatoes, some cooked veggie (likely broccoli and cheese sauce), dinner rolls, a HUGE salad (likely green with lots of tomatoes but possibly caesar) and for dessert...maybe lemon bars? I haven't decided yet. I don't really know how many I'm feeding either!
Roast chicken, veggies, mashed potatoes and gravy, and if I get very ambitious I might make some home-made bread to go with it. Maybe some pumpkin bread for dessert.
We're having sausage and noodle casserole made with homemade noodles that I bought from the Mennonites at Farmers' Market. Talk about comfort food!
left over bbq game hen, big salad, homemade bread. don't really care all that much. coming down with yet another cold. nothing really sounds all that good to me. maybe just soup? lol:chef:
I doing spare ribs on the gas grill. I'm not messing up this time and I'm not foiling either, but experimenting with a water tray. Low temps and longer cooking time. Wood chips in box too.
I'm not messing up.
Another chicken meal here. I bought a plump roaster that I filled with well-seasoned root vegetables. Am adding a romaine salad with celery, tomatoes, peppers, onions, cucumbers and anything else in the refrigerator.
I'm in the middle of putting together Chinese Beef and Broccoli... over jasmine rice.
We spent the day in Central Park doing a historical walking tour by Big Onion. If you ever get the chance, it was great. Went down to St. Mark's to Paul's for burgers after that.

But, I bought food for dinner, and I am loathe to put anything in the freezer, so....

First course is stuffed pears (stuffed with bleu and pancetta) with a balsamic fig glaze.

Second course is slow roasted pork hocks topped with pan seared scallops on a bed of roasted corn and crab risotto.

Bananas Foster bread pudding for dessert.

Paddy cocktails for happy hour and merlot with dinner.
Soup and sandwiches.....corn chowder and chicken/cheese/tomato/lettuce sandwiches.

baby crabcakes
baby beef wellingtons

lobster bisque
strawberry sorbet

beef tenderloin with thyme demiglace
crab stuufed-shrimp

sour cream & chive smashes taters
asparagus & carrots

almond & mouusse cake
That was just waaaay too much cookin' for one night, but it means I don't have to worry about today :) I also had a cucumber and onion salad to round things out.


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