Trivia 11/13

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Chef Extraordinaire
Dec 20, 2005
southeastern pa.
trivia 11/13
For every extra kilogram carried on a space flight, 530 kilograms of extra
fuel are needed at liftoff.

1. According to Total Film Magazine, the first film to be referred to as a
"block-buster" was released in 1975 and featured Robert Shaw and others. Which film are they referring to?
2. How many of the Fifty border the Great Lakes?
Bonus ; list them...)
3. In which small valley of the river Düssel in Germany did Johann Karl
Fuhlrott first identify the fossils of a species in the genus 'homo'?
4. Strange Words are These...
What is aposiopesis?
a. - a Change in one's position
b. - Skin disease
c. - Failure to complete a sentence
d. - A reddish discoloration of the skin of a citrus fruit.
5. Shakespeare invented a number of words in his writings; one such word was
'Bedswerver' .
What or whom does the word represent ?
6. In the 1970s, Mattel sold a doll called "Growing Up Skipper". What was
unique about it?
7. On "Everybody Loves Raymond," what is Ray's father Frank's favorite
8. In WWI, who were the members of 'the Triple Entente', classed as the
original 'Allied Forces'?

The average American produces 2.5 pounds of trash per day.
The average Japanese, 4.4 pounds per day.
1. ‘Jaws’
2. – 8
(Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Minnesota, Michigan,
Indiana, Illinois)
3. Neander Valley
4. - c
5. an Adulteress
6. Her breasts grew larger
7. 'Holy Crap !!'
8. United Kingdom, France, Russia

Reverse the numbers and you’ll have the truth !
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