Wendy's Peppermint Frosty Review...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

This is a new item at Wendy's.

Paid 2.49 plus tax for the small.

This sure does look like the strawberry Frosty from the looks of it.

The Peppermint flavor is good but it is not a super strong peppermint flavor but I wanted more of it..

Could not taste any strawberry flavor at all in this.

A medium sized thumbs up from me.
I was thinking of trying one soon. To be honest, however, I just want my vanilla Frosty back! :mad:

I wasn't crazy about the strawberry. I mean, it was okay and all. But I didn't think it was anything special and this coming from someone who loves strawberry ice cream and shakes.

BTW, I love reading your food reviews. I don't always respond to them, but I do read them ;)
As far as I know the Vanilla Frosty is going to be back after the Peppermint Frosty is finally done.
As far as I know the Vanilla Frosty is going to be back after the Peppermint Frosty is finally done.
I hope so. What I don't understand is why they can't have all 3 flavors at the same time. I mean, it's not like they couldn't afford an extra Frosty machine.
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