What are you eating Sunday 2/10/2019?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Lunch was Stouffer Mac N Cheese, creamed spinach, pan fried cube steak and a piece of fried chicken breast from food court at market.


Dinner may be split pea soup with ham or chicken wings TBDL.
Sticking with my New Year's resolution of emptying out the freezer, we're having pasta with sausages and meatballs for dinner tonight.
Andy, I bet it will be fun to cook for SO again. How's your hand doing?

It's really nice to have SO home again.

The hand is annoying. I'm impatient and can't even start PT until the 21st. I have to wear a brace all the time except when I shower. I have a dozen finger exercises to keep my fingers flexible. No weight-bearing activities, twisting, turning, etc. It's amazing how difficult the easiest tasks become when you have to do them with the "other" hand.

I'm using the hand as an excuse to grow a beard. SO isn't sure how she feels about that.
Stir fry of shrimp, asparagus, and water chestnuts.

Just got back from a week at an all inclusive on Turks and Caicos, so I'm trying to keep it light. The resort we stayed at improved the food considerably since we were there last year, and even though I tried to use a little restraint, I think I still picked up a pound or two. It couldn't have been those mid-afternoon margaritas or the rum punches, could it?
AAAAAGGGGHH! I picked an amputee duck! I guess I shouldn't go duck hunting at 730 in the morning..It has a gaping wound on one side so I am going to tie it up so it will hopefully cook more evenly and not dry out from the inside..I like to use a beer can rack to get crispy skin all around. that's why I put a little tin foil helmet on because I find the top is close to the elements and cooks quicker than the rest of the bird.I'll take it off in about an hour..she's going in the oven now..wish me luck..


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BBQ with the family at a public domain called the groynes. Ducks and swans for the kids to feed. Took 10 litres water for the kids water pistols. They had a ball.

AAAAAGGGGHH! I picked an amputee duck! I guess I shouldn't go duck hunting at 730 in the morning..It has a gaping wound on one side so I am going to tie it up so it will hopefully cook more evenly and not dry out from the inside..I like to use a beer can rack to get crispy skin all around. that's why I put a little tin foil helmet on because I find the top is close to the elements and cooks quicker than the rest of the bird.I'll take it off in about an hour..she's going in the oven now..wish me luck..
You've heard the old expression "if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck"? How did it walk?
We had Habitant French Canadian Pea Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. The sandwiches were made with Jarlsberg, sliced onion, and salsa on whole grain bread. Perfect for the cold weather, tasty, and very filling.
Disaster struck again..the curse of the amputee duck...my oven went crazy and the top element didn't shut off..it singed things pretty good in the first 20 minutes...I had to lay it down in a pan and move it to the toaster oven to finish..I've been troubleshooting with the manual while finishing dinner..Turned the breaker off to reboot..let it cool and now it seems to be working again..didn't get time to make the orange sauce the way I wanted to..flyin' by the seat of my pants...and, I even made fancy carrots.


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It's really nice to have SO home again.

The hand is annoying. I'm impatient and can't even start PT until the 21st. I have to wear a brace all the time except when I shower. I have a dozen finger exercises to keep my fingers flexible. No weight-bearing activities, twisting, turning, etc. It's amazing how difficult the easiest tasks become when you have to do them with the "other" hand.

I'm using the hand as an excuse to grow a beard. SO isn't sure how she feels about that.

I actually really like a well tended beard on a man Andy, but that's also hard to do with the wrong hand. :(

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