What are you eating TGIFday 11/10/2017?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
As of now it will be Corn & Bacon Waffles (made with whey). But that can change once DD gets home.
Don't know yet. SO is arriving back home in Boston this evening around 7:30 so I'll pick her up and grab something for the two of us on the way home.
It's steak night (I'm pretty sure, I think.) Dx agreed we could go out for dinner. Usually she says not tonight honey, meaning one can buy a week's worth of groceries for the same price. I agree, it's a treat we don't often indulge.
Finishing leftovers from the last two days..

Chicken chow mein for an early lunch and Salsibury steak for supper..

Ice cream for later..

The boats are coming back and I'm getting busy, woo hoo! We are going out for Korean and/or Japanese. I love my $40.00 per hour, PT, seasonal job!:)
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Potato salad w/eggs, dill pickles, sour cream, s&p, vinegar, oil.
Big pork ribs, slow braised all day, on the grill with homemade bbq sauce.
In the mood for Thai takeout. Pineapple fried rice with chicken, and Tom Kha soup with shrimp.
It's steak night (I'm pretty sure, I think.) Dx agreed we could go out for dinner. Usually she says not tonight honey, meaning one can buy a week's worth of groceries for the same price. I agree, it's a treat we don't often indulge.

Scratch the steak. Dx put on her sensible shoes. Still going out (yay)-- to the local Am LegionVFW for walleye. I Likey.
Corn & Bacon Waffles (made with whey). Topped with butter, maple syrup, sour cream and strawberry topping.

Nana K and Grampy Teve babysat Cheyenne today, and we're tuckered out in a good way. :wub: We picked up a rotisserie chicken on or way home, so it will be that and/or leftovers tonight.
Neither of us were feeling great yesterday - colds still hanging on and my back still in spasms. So, I pulled out the last of the wontons from my BFF and some of the chicken broth I made a few months ago from the freezer, added some broccoli, cooked pork loin and green onions at the end of the cooking time.

Voila! we had a great and simple meal in a bowl.

Now to do something nice for my friend so she gives me some more wontons! :angel:
I made some lamb shoulder chops, grilled sweet onion rings, and a baked spud.


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Friday was our last leg of the trip, from Leesburg FL to Fort Myers Beach - about 240 miles. Should have been an easy drive, but the freeways up around the Tampa area were jammed to a complete standstill. As in, it looked like a hurricane evacuation drill or a national disaster. Himself is familiar enough with FL roads, so we went off the highways once we could move, and drove a while over state routes. Needless to say, it added time and stress to the drive. When we get to our timeshare, we like to do a quick grocery run so we have breakfast (especially the all-important dairy for coffee and tea) for the morning. Aldi has finally moved into this area, so we stopped there.

Long story short, we picked up one of their fresh-case take-and-bake pizzas (supreme) and a 6-pack of a house-brand Amber Lager beer. That, and watching "Blue Bloods" was our dinner!

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