What are you eating Wednesday September 1, 2021?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Taylor ham, American cheese and scrambled eggs on a buttered and pan toasted Portuguese roll with hot sauce.

I've got some French Bread I need to use and I've been craving French Toast, so I just might make that for dinner. I'll use a newer recipe I found that calls for cream instead of milk, brown sugar and a heavy dose of vanilla. Even Mikey likes it and he's not too big on French Toast. Since he can't/won't eat breakfast foods without a couple of eggs, I'll likely scramble a few and put some bacon in the oven too. Works for me!
Scrambled eggs & monterey jack cheese on honey wheat toast, sliced english cucumber, and watermelon for dessert. Mom had her regular grilled cheese and tomato with strawberries for dessert.
First, salads. Your basic garden variety. Next, individual baked shrimp and scallops with fresh breadcrumb topping, long grain and white rice blend, and steamed broccoli.

DH will be grilling some burgers in a little while.

And the burgers have been grilled. DH likes his well done, so those are easy for him. I like mine medium rare and he cooked it perfectly. We had them on toasted sesame kaiser buns with lettuce, sliced onion, mayo, and pickled jalapeño rings. I added Dijon mustard to mine and DH added yellow mustard to his. We also each had a dill pickle.

My plate

Grlled Angus burger on a sesame seed kaiser bun.jpg

DH's plate

Grlled Angus burgers on sesame seed kaiser buns.jpg
Mom & I joined two of our Neighborhood Gal Pals for linner
(late lunch/early dinner-which we are all lovin')
at our local Mexican Joint.
Mom mopped her plate clean while I only ate half of mine.


Mom had the pick two from an ala carte menu,
Shredded Beef Taco & a Chile Rellano


I had an appetizer order of Mini Chimichangas,
one Beef, Chicken and Pork, those are huge!
I had a Margarita to wash it all down with,
but I dewar there wasn't any Tequila in it! :glare:

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