What's for Dinner Friday April 10?

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I am aiming for a fresh spinach salad, with hard cooked eggs, smoked bacon with sunflower seeds sauted in the same pan after the grease is poured off and saved, raisins and a raspberry vinaigrette dressing..

I am about finished with my first cheese of the 2009 cheesemaking season....a mozzarella and it looks like I will get a small ricotta also....so will add a bit of fresh mozz to the salad;)

man, is my kitchen a mess:mad:
Going to a friend's for dinner/music,; I'm bringing a Strawberry Bavarian Cream Torte.
Tonight's dinner will be one of those "make-it-up-as-you-go" meals. I'm going to use bacon, onion, cream, and possibly some sun-dried tomatoes over pasta. I need to go to the grocery store :-p.
The homemade pizza I had planned has been put off 'til tomorrow. Tonight we are having pan fried pork chops and black beans and rice.
I am aiming for a fresh spinach salad, with hard cooked eggs, smoked bacon with sunflower seeds sauted in the same pan after the grease is poured off and saved, raisins and a raspberry vinaigrette dressing..

I am about finished with my first cheese of the 2009 cheesemaking season....a mozzarella and it looks like I will get a small ricotta also....so will add a bit of fresh mozz to the salad;)

man, is my kitchen a mess:mad:
Wow, you make your own cheese. I'm a cheese fanatic. I bet fresh cheese is delicous! :chef: Your salad sounds fantastic too!
Had leftover meatloaf, mashed potaotes, mac and cheese. warmed up hot rolls from yesterday...
We're having filet mignon, fresh asparagus and baked potato. I am in heaven!

Just wish I were able to make swan-shaped cream puffs for dessert.
I went to Trader Joe's after work and I got all the stuff to make a fairly healthy pizza: whole wheat dough, lite moz cheese, turkey pepperoni, pizza sauce and mushrooms. Pretty good - and much less greasy and fattening than a regular pizza.
spaghetti and meatballs made with whole wheat spaghetti, garlic bread and salads.
Here was Mark's dinner

I used the same sauce and meatballs, but added sauteed mushrooms and onions, served over fettucine... shredded mozzarella.
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