What is the Strangest Thing You Have Ever Found in Your Purse/Pocket?

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Barbara L

Traveling Welcome Wagon
Apr 4, 2004
Somewhere, US
When we got out of the car at church this morning I noticed my purse seemed even heavier than usual, but I didn't think too much about it. When we got into our Sunday School class, I looked in my purse for a pen, and there on top of everything was a bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's Buffalo Wing Sauce! My friend bought it for me the other day and put it with my purse, and I stuck it in there for the drive home. I completely forgot it was in there.

So, what surprises have you had when looking in your purse or pockets? :cool:
I just now remembered something my aunt found in her purse! I wasn't there, but my mom told me about it.

Around 25 years ago my aunt and uncle and their family, and my mom, dad, and daughter spent the afternoon at their local pool. It was hot and everyone got Dove chocolate-covered ice cream bars. My aunt decided she didn't want hers right then, so she put it in her purse, intending to eat it a few minutes later.

The next day Aunt Rae opened her purse to get something out, and there was that Dove ice cream bar! The thing is, there was so much wax in the chocolate that, although the ice cream had melted, the bar held its shape!

No, she didn't eat it. :angel::D
:LOL: Too funny, Barbara! Always good to be prepared in case you're accosted by unsauced chicken wings!

I have to carefully check DH's pockets before doing laundry. He pulls weeds outside, and instead of throwing them away, he stuffs them in his pockets. Dandelions will turn just about anything a nice yellow in the washing machine.
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The cats drop their toy mice into my purse...I find them when I'm at the bank, the grocery. I also "find" Milkbones and other dog treats in my pants pockets, hopefully before I wash them.

Then there's all the odd things I will tuck into my pockets at work...
The cats drop their toy mice into my purse...I find them when I'm at the bank, the grocery. I also "find" Milkbones and other dog treats in my pants pockets, hopefully before I wash them.

Then there's all the odd things I will tuck into my pockets at work...

Yeah, working in a hospital gives lots of opportunity to end up with strange things in your pockets.

When one of my brothers was a little kid, he would put anything he found outside that struck his fancy into his pockets. Rocks, twigs, bugs, bottle caps, rabdom junk. My mom always had to check his pockets before putting his clothes in the wash.

One day we heard her start screaming and yelling all sorts of the things concerning my brother and various threats of punishment. We raced into the basement and she was up on the washing machine pointing at something on the ground and screaming for us to get it out of her house. We looked and there was a red belly snake on top of one of my brothers pairs of pants. They only get 6 to 8 inches long, but my mom has a phobia of snakes and she'd reached into his pocket and pulled it out. We were all surprised the poor little thing was still alive and when we got over our surprise, confusion, and hysterical laughter we took it outside and let it go by the trees.

As for myself, I intentionally keep things in my purse that a lot of people find strange. Mini flashlight, mini-hammer that has screw drivers hidden in the handle, a multi tool, a 10 in 1, retractable network cable, usb key, mini screw drivers (like for glasses, watches and electronics) mini measuring tape, various first aide stuff, emergency sewing kit, and usually a book. And I don't carry a large purse, it's never larger than roughly 10"x8"x4" in terms of dimensions. I don't think I've ever found anything strange in my pockets or purse that I didn't intentionally put there because I thought it would be good to keep it on me.
LOL! I always have a multi-bit screwdriver on me at work...comes in very handy.

The snake would have sent me over the edge!
2 strange things came to mind when I read this thread.

When my son was little - probably about 4 years old - he made a deposit in my purse of his daily collection of "rolly polly" bugs. Of course it scared the you know what out of me when I stuck my hand in there to get something :ohmy: He said he was afraid if he left them in his pocket they would get squished so he put them in my purse LOL

The other was a discovery in my DH pants pocket. We had gone to dinner. They presented us with rolls and little pats of wrapped butter. The butter was very cold. He decided to warm it up by putting it in his pocket, but then of course he forgot. I can't tell you what went through my mind later that evening when I stuck my hands in his pockets on the way to the washing machine LOL Now the rule is that HE has to empty the pockets !!

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