All Things In Moderation

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Chief Longwind Of The North

Aug 26, 2004
I was challenged today to find the phrase - All things in moderation - in scripture. I have heard the phrase quoted so many times that it borders on cliche. I have used it in topics on DC, and in conversations more times than I can remember. And yet, when I did the research, there is no scriptural reference to the phrase. So, if you want to use the phrase, that's ok. But don't quote any Christian scripture. It's not in there.

After some research, the phrase seems ridiculous, as it's all inclusive - All things in moderation. If we take the phrase at face value, it means that a little murder is ok, because we've done it in moderation. We aren't going out and wholesale slaughtering masses of people. That would be excessive. Or, it's ok to use a little lead to sweeten wine, because it's added in moderation.

Of course, most people don't use the phrase that way. Rather, it's used to convey the idea to avoid excess, i.e. use a little oregano in your sauce, as it is both a powerful flavor, and a muscle relaxant. It may overwhelm the other flavors in the sauce, or cause acid reflux if used in excess.

It's the - all things - part that makes the phrase inaccurate, and an excuse for some bad behavior. There are those people who do use the phrase to justify improper behavior. And there are people who use the phrase to limit the amount of something that shouldn't be used in excess. It's up to the user.

Look up the phrase online, it's origins, and why it can be both useful, or destructive.

This thread is not to chastise anyone, or to push a religious idea. It is a topic for discussion, especially with food, as this is primarily a foodie site.

Myself, the quick research I did was an eye opener for me.

Have fun with it.

Seeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
And now that I think about it (for five seconds), I believe "all things in moderation" is a phrase used to curb excess in the things we love. As in, "too much of a good thing isn't good for you". Certainly not evil actions or things we dislike.
I have no idea where scripture comes into play. That's a new one one me.
lol, pac!!!

omg, i really laughed out loud on typing in moderation.
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I thought that this saying came out of Aristotle's writings about the golden mean and the proper balance in all areas of life.

Aristotle said,

“Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person at the right time, and for the right purpose and in the right way - that is not within everyone's power and that is not easy.”

All things in moderation! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
Whadaya talkin' about! That was typing in moderation.:LOL: You have all seen me get more wordy than that. I have completed four novels, and have another three in various stages of development, none sold yet, of course.:ROFLMAO: This doesn't even include the numerous revisions to make the existing novels better. I'm on the 6th re=write of my first novel. It's so close to being ready. But it's not quite there yet.:(

Mother nature could be more moderate. You should see the snowbanks that line my driveway.:ohmy:

Seeeeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Robert A. Heinlein "Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.

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